Designated Safeguarding Lead for Education Settings (Level 3)
This course will offer delegates the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding to perform this role. Southampton City Council training includes bespoke local safeguarding updates from professional experts in their subject areas to respond to safeguarding issues within the local context. This course will:
- Outline the role and responsibilities of a DSL in Education Settings.
- Outline legal and contextual procedures in relation to the role.
- Explain local process for reporting Early Help and Safeguarding concerns.
- Overview of Local Child Protection Conferencing procedures.
- To understand and raise awareness of FGM and Harmful Practice.
- Local Intelligence reporting procedures.
- Outline local safeguarding arrangements and awareness of Case Reviews.
- Give an overview of children who are missing, exploitation and trafficking.
- Overview of links between absence, safeguarding and educational neglect.
Session dates
Dates | Times | Venue | Fully booked? |
10,11, 17 and 18 March 2025 | 9am-12.30pm | Virtual | Spaces available |
Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 March 2025 | 9am-4pm | Civic Centre | Fully booked |
Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 April 2025 | 9am-4pm | Civic Centre | Fully booked |
12, 13, 19 and 20 May 2025 | 9am-12.30pm | Virtual | Spaces available |
Food and drink
Beverages only included - please make your own arrangements for food.
Fee for training
Southampton City Council Maintained Schools: £180
Subsidised price for Southampton PVI Early Years & Childcare providers and voluntary organisations: £115
Academies, free schools and other organisations: £215
Please give 14 days written notice of cancellation to avoid being charged.
Southampton City Council reserves the right to charge the full training fee for non-attendance
Positive feedback from past attendees
DSL/Manager – “Excellent delivery and very informative! Love the ‘guest speakers'.”
SENCo/DSL – “Thank you! Comprehensive and very informative!”
Progress Leader – “Great people presenting. Really personable presentations and interactions.”
Additional information
It is a statutory requirement for all education settings to have a trained Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The statutory requirements are laid down in the ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’ for early years and childcare providers and in 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'(KCSiE) Statutory Guidance for schools and colleges. This person (and any deputy who may take a lead in the absence of the DSL) is required to attend training for the role every two years, as well as being refreshed/ updated annually.
This course meets the requirements for new and existing DSLs and is delivered by the Education Welfare Service supported by Southampton City Council Children and Families Services. It is approved by the Southampton Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Unavailable due to essential website maintenance
The majority of our online forms are unavailable from 5.10pm on Wednesday 26 March to 8.30am on Thursday 27 March due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.
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