Upcoming Fundraisers

This is a list of upcoming fundraisers to benefit WSHS groups. This list reflects info shared with the PTSA. To add your fundraiser to this list, please e-mail us at wshsptsa@gmail.com


This is a list of requests for equipment, volunteers, experts, or other help to benefit WSHS groups. This list reflects info shared with the PTSA. To add your request to this list, please e-mail us at wshsptsa@gmail.com

[Nothing pending]

Student opportunities

This is a list of some of the opportunities that have been sent to the PTSA from private entities and we thought might be of interest to WSHS students. Some may have associated fees or charges. The PTSA is just sharing information and does not endorse any of these offers. If you have offers for students that you would like the PTSA to consider sharing, please e-mail us at wshsptsa@gmail.com

George Mason University Game & Technology Academy (MGTA)