**Complete this form to apply for Small Grants funding for Fiscal Year 2025 (July 1, 2024- June 30,2025). Awarded funding can only fund activities and purchases occurring after July 1, 2024.**
*NOTE: Small Grants (including $5,000 RTO Mini Grants and $500 SRTS Micro-Grants) have all been awarded for the current fiscal year. Funds will reopen Monday, June 2nd, 2025. The following information is included for reference only.*
The RTO Small Grants Track is comprised of small awards intended to fund specific, one-time purchases of materials and services to support events, education, and outreach activities.
This track includes two categories of funding:
• RTO Mini-Grants: open to all applicants eligible for RTO funding (up to $5,000 per request) - CLOSED until June 2nd, 2025
• SRTS Micro-Grants: ONLY open to individual schools or nonprofit school PTOs, 25 available each school year (up to $500 per request) - CLOSED until June 2nd, 2025
Applications for Small Grants funds can be submitted anytime and are reviewed on a rolling basis. Applicants may submit more than one application for Small Grants funds; however, applicants are advised to a limit of one application per fiscal year per organization. Small Grants applications are scored in the order received until all funds for the fiscal year are awarded, after which the application will close. Applications can only include funding for activities that will occur within the fiscal year the funds are awarded. For example, if funding is awarded in fiscal year 2025 (July 1 2024 - June 30, 2025), activity must be completed by June 30, 2025. Funding cannot go toward activity that occurred prior to the application date. Finally, the proposed activity should occur no less than 15 business days after the submission date to allow adequate time for Metro staff to review the application.
All Small Grants are reimbursement based and require the submission of a final report and receipts for materials and services in order to request reimbursement.
Please review the
RTO Small Grants Guide BEFORE submitting your application to learn more about specific eligibility requirements for each category of funding.