The Homeless Initiative and its partners have a shared plan and focus to tackle homelessness across the County’s 88 cities and more than 100 unincorporated areas.

In 2022, the Board of Supervisors approved a New Framework to guide how all County homelessness funding, including Measure H, is allocated. It builds on lessons learned over the years to develop a significantly scaled-up, streamlined, equitable, all-hands-on-deck response to homelessness in our region.

The Framework focuses on investing in and implementing a succession of programs to prevent people from falling into homelessness while simultaneously moving people off the streets into safe interim housing, and into permanent housing with support to ensure long-term housing stability. The intention is to bolster programs that have proven effective while fully leveraging all the County’s capacities and roles.


Coordinate: We are working with our partners to ensure a no wrong door” approach for people seeking services so no one falls through the safety net

Connect: With outreach and engagement, we are investing in a succession of programs that meet people where they are, connect them to resources that meet their unique needs, and put them on a path to housing stability.

Prevent: LA County is investing in targeted prevention services to avoid entry or a return to homelessness for people at risk of losing their housing.

House: We are investing in multiple coordinated efforts to ensure people can move off the streets safely and more quickly access the housing and services they need to remain stably housed.

Stabilize: Our housing stabilization programs are designed to remove barriers to long-term housing stability and well-being by providing people transitioning out of homelessness with ongoing services after they move into housing to help them thrive in their new homes.