LBSS Weekly News - March 14, 2025(link is external)

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Principal's Message

Hello Bruin Families,

As you might have seen around the back of the school, this weekend is the PTSA mulch sale. This annual event raises money for the All-Night Grad Party for the graduating class and is a huge event. We are so grateful for the PTSA and families for volunteering and supporting this year.

If you haven't seen the 7News DC spot on our JROTC program, you can see it here(link is external). We are incredibly proud of the program's success. Thank you to Capt. Guardo and Sgt. Wiles!

In the realm of academics, there are three extended WIN time opportunities for students to meet with a staff member for academic support leading up to the end of the semester. As students are reviewing where they need to go for WIN time support, the extended WIN time dates are March 21st, March 25th, and March 27th.  

Next week kicks off our spring sports season. We hope to see you out supporting our spring athletes and enjoying this weather on our campus!

Go Bruins!

Lindsey Kearns

Save the Date: Community Conversations with Superintendent Dr. Reid

Your voice matters, and Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid wants to hear from you! Share your thoughts and ask questions regarding FCPS on the following dates:

  • Thursday, March 20(link is external), Cunningham Park Elementary School
  • Monday, March 24, Kings Park Elementary School
  • Tuesday, April 1, Lorton Station Elementary School
  • Monday, April 7, Greenbriar West Elementary School
  • Monday, April 21, Mount Eagle Elementary School
  • Wednesday, April 23, Freedom Hill Elementary School

Childcare and interpretation services will be provided. Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid(link is external)

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Upcoming Events
Testing Dates

New Information and Important Reminders
Parent Tech Talk
I Love Popcorn
SGA News
Student Fasting Meal Kits
PTSA Community Yard Sale

Bruin Kudos

Class of 2025 News
Class of 2025 ANGP Tickets

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News
Middle School Track & Field Eligibility

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

Upcoming Events
March 20 - Nowruz
March 28 - End of 2nd Quarter
March 31 - School Holiday for Eid al-Fitr

Testing Dates
The Integrated Reading and Writing assessment will be administered to 8th Grade ONLY on Monday, March 17 during 2nd period Advisory (Make up will be March 19).

New Information and Important Reminders

Parent Tech Talk

Use these discussion starters to talk about using social media safely with every age group.

Reinforce Expectations

  • It’s safest to only add people you know offline to your online circles. Ask kids to check their “friends” and “followers” lists to see who has access to their accounts. Encourage them to remove anyone they don’t know or trust. Children should also block or “unfriend” anyone bothering them.
  • Privacy settings are there to help make the experience safe! Teach kids and teens to use privacy settings. While they don’t guarantee complete privacy, they can help children control who sees what they share.
  • Today, one’s online reputation counts offline, too. Help children remove any personal or inappropriate images from social media and other accounts.
  • If it wouldn’t be OK to do or so offline, it’s not OK online, either. Help children and teens report any criminal behavior to the police and report inappropriate posts to the website or app -- most have a system in place to handle these complaints.
  • If anyone sends them an inappropriate sexual request, they should report it to

National I Love Popcorn Day

This past week, we celebrated I Love Popcorn Day by providing popcorn for all our staff to say thank you for their hard work and dedication to Bruin Nation. A HUGE thank you to the Athletic Boosters for donating the popcorn and to Don Pederson for taking the time to pop it! Thank you also to several of our SGA students for bagging and serving it. 

We are grateful for our partnership with the Athletic Boosters throughout the year.


Are your students (rising 9th-12th) interested in running for a leadership position? Tell them to come to room A212 at 3:00 after school on Monday March 17th. They can learn about the three positions available- SAC, Class Office, and SGA Officer! Leadership positions are a great way to demonstrate spirit, commitment, and growth throughout high school. We would love to see your student become increasingly involved in our school!

Reminder to Sign Up Weekly for Student Fasting Meal Kits

Students who are fasting during the school day between now and March 28 can take school meal kits home at the end of the day. Families must fill out a separate request form for each week and for each student in order to receive school meal kits. To receive meal kits for the week of March 24, please fill out this form(link is external) by March 17. 

Please remind your child to pick up their meals each day at our school’s designated location. Visit the Food and Nutrition Services webpage(link is external) for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.

PTSA Community Yard Sale – Reserve Your Spot Now! 🎉

Turn your clutter into cash at the Lake Braddock PTSA Community Yard Sale!

📅 Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025 (rain date TBD)

🕗 Time: Setup will begin at 7 AM and the sale runs from 8 AM - 3 PM. Stay as long as you would like. 📍 Location: Lake Braddock Secondary School Parking Lot 💰 Cost: $30 early bird until March 5 and then $40 per parking spot (sell from your own space!) 🚗 300 spots available – first come, first served!

We do the advertising—you show up and sell! Don’t miss this chance to clear out your home and make some extra money while supporting the LBSS PTSA.

Reserve your spot today before they’re gone! is external)

Bruin Kudos

Congratulations to our HS Concert Bands who participated in the VBODA State Concert Band Assessment this week. Their growth and musical maturity have been remarkable!

Concert TwoExcellent rating
Concert OneSuperior rating
Symphonic BandSuperior rating

Congratulations to all our talented musicians on these fantastic achievements — your dedication truly shines!  This marks the 42nd consecutive year of the Virginia Honor Band Award for the Lake Braddock Band Program, the only band in the Commonwealth to earn this award every year it has been awarded.

Class of 2025 News

Important Information

Senior Fees
$70 due no later than May 30, 2025. Please see email dated January 8 for payment options.

Bridging Bruins
March 3- Application Begins
March 21- Application Ends
April 11- Notification of Acceptance
April 30- Final Approval
May 14- May 29- Internship
May 29- Presentation

PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
March 15 & 16

PROM-Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
May 9

Senior Breakfast
May 30

June 4

All Night Grad Party- St James
June 4 at 11pm

LBSS Class of '25 ANGP Tickets

June 4 at the St. James Springfield 11 PM - 5 AM is external)

Class of 2025, you are invited to come together, have fun and celebrate your accomplishments at this years All Night Grad Party!  The All Night Grad Party is organized by the LBSS PTSA in partnership with the ANGP Committee, chaperoned by parents and members of the community, and staffed by the St James. Activities include a casino night, fun inflatables, and raffles with sought after prizes.  In addition, we use the amazing facilities at The St. James which include the field house, volleyball, pickleball and basketball courts, Super Awesome and Amazing, and an Olympic sized swimming pool and the arcade! We will have caricature artists and tons of photo ops!  There will also be plenty of food and drinks all night long! The evening is an alcohol-free and drug-free event that takes place in a safe and supervised environment. 

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News

Track & Field Eligibility – 2025 Spring Season

Beginning in March, any students interested in participating in Track and Field for the 2025 Spring season must submit a physical, emergency care card, and register online to be eligible. Brittany Nicolich, the Athletic Coordinator for Middle School Sports, will be collecting paperwork during WIN time. Students can find her in the gym by entering through the main doors. Students will need a lanyard pass to visit in order to hand in their paperwork and/or receive their participation ticket. Students will be returning to class after. Thank you so much for your help in getting these students ready for the spring season!


We’ve got an engaging summer planned for your students!

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) office will offer two enrichment camps this summer - Tech Adventure Camp and CTE Summer Academy. For details on the activities we have planned, please read below.

All information can be found on our webpages! For Tech Adventure Camp go to is external). For CTE Summer Academy go to is external).

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR ALL OUR ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS! Click here to register!(link is external)

Cameras Installed on School Bus Stop ArmsCameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 FCPS school buses. These cameras will be used to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”). 

Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Monday, May 12.

According to Virginia law(link is external), drivers must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights on and their stop signs extended. Motorists should stop when approaching from any direction (unless there is a barrier or median separating their lane from where the bus is stopped). They should remain stopped until everyone is clear and the bus is moving. 

We appreciate our law enforcement partners for working with us to improve road safety and reduce accidents. Read more information about the stop arm cameras and all of the ways that we work with our county partners to keep students safe on their way to and from school(link is external).

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Second Annual Food Show
  • Cameras on School Bus Stop Arms
  • Comprehensive Boundary Review Process Explained

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - March 6, 2025(link is external)

GovDelivery1 week 1 day ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Hello Bruin Families,

Tonight is our long-awaited Fan Quest! Our students are excited and ready to join teams from Woodson and Centreville at our annual Special Olympics Basketball Game. Tailgating begins at 5:00 in the Gym hallway.

Also tonight, around 5:45 pm on WJLA ABC7, our JROTC program will be featured in a spot titled "Veterans in FCPS Continue Life of Service by Leading JROTC Units." Thank you to Capt. Guardo and Sgt. Wiles for their service to Bruin Nation!

Finally, please see the invitation below for an upcoming PSTA-sponsored event, The TikTok Create with Kindness Program, scheduled on March 10 from 7pm-8:15pm in the Lecture Hall (B135). This is an opportunity for families to talk about our online experiences, behaviors, expectations, to gain practical information and resources to enhance online safety and set positive digital boundaries. This is open to all LBSS families and students.

Go Bruins!

Lindsey Kearns

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Upcoming Events
Testing Dates

New Information and Important Reminders
Parent Tech Talk
SEL Screening Administration
SGA News
PTSA Event
PTSA Community Yard Sale

Bruin Kudos

Class of 2025 News
Class of 2025 ANGP Tickets

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News
Middle School Track & Field Eligibility

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

Upcoming Events
March 9 - Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 20 - Nowruz
March 28 - End of 2nd Quarter
March 31 - School Holiday for Eid al-Fitr

Testing Dates
The Integrated Reading and Writing assessment will be administered to 8th Grade ONLY on Monday, March 17 during 2nd period Advisory (Make up will be March 19).

New Information and Important Reminders

Parent Tech Talk

Use these discussion starters to talk about using social media safely with every age group.

Ask Questions

  • What’s your favorite website or app? What do you like to do there?
  • Have you ever seen something online you didn’t want to see?
  • Do you ever talk to people you don’t know online? What do you talk about?
  • Can you show me which sites and apps you’re using?
  • Would you feel comfortable if I checked your accounts?
  • What kinds of things do you post?
  • How do you decide who to add as a friend?
  • How much personal information do you share online?

SEL Screening Spring Administration

The Spring Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener will be administered to students in grades 7-12 on March 13. Students use the SEL Screener twice a year to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop skills they need to succeed. The screener works by asking questions or presenting statements that students can think about and respond to. More information is available about the SEL Screener by accessing this link: is external)  


Are your students (rising 9th-12th) interested in running for a leadership position? Tell them to come to room A212 at 3:00 after school on Monday March 17th. They can learn about the three positions available- SAC, Class Office, and SGA Officer! Leadership positions are a great way to demonstrate spirit, commitment, and growth throughout high school. We would love to see your student become increasingly involved in our school!

PTSA Invitation

Join us on March 10 from 7pm-8:15pm in the Lecture Hall (B135) to participate in the TikTok Create with Kindness Program, this is an opportunity to talk about our online experiences, behaviors, expectations, to gain practical information and resources to enhance online safety and set positive digital boundaries. This is open to all LBSS families and students.

PTSA Community Yard Sale – Reserve Your Spot Now! 🎉

Turn your clutter into cash at the Lake Braddock PTSA Community Yard Sale!

📅 Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025 (rain date TBD)

🕗 Time: Setup will begin at 7 AM and the sale runs from 8 AM - 3 PM. Stay as long as you would like. 📍 Location: Lake Braddock Secondary School Parking Lot 💰 Cost: $30 early bird until March 5 and then $40 per parking spot (sell from your own space!) 🚗 300 spots available – first come, first served!

We do the advertising—you show up and sell! Don’t miss this chance to clear out your home and make some extra money while supporting the LBSS PTSA.

Reserve your spot today before they’re gone! is external)

Bruin Kudos

Congratulations to Kasey S., Natalie G., and Victoria S., three LBSS Juniors, for taking 1st place in the Region 5 National History Day Competition last Saturday. They will be competing in the Virginia History Day in April to compete for a chance to go to Nationals. 

Congratulations also go to our HS and MS Science Olympiad Teams, who have earned spots at States at the end of March. Good luck Teams!

Class of 2025 News

Important Information

Senior Fees
$70 due no later than May 30, 2025. Please see email dated January 8 for payment options.

Bridging Bruins
March 3- Application Begins
March 21- Application Ends
April 11- Notification of Acceptance
April 30- Final Approval
May 14- May 29- Internship
May 29- Presentation

PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
March 15 & 16

PROM-Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
May 9

Senior Breakfast
May 30

June 4

All Night Grad Party- St James
June 4 at 11pm

LBSS Class of '25 ANGP Tickets

June 4 at the St. James Springfield 11 PM - 5 AM is external)

Class of 2025, you are invited to come together, have fun and celebrate your accomplishments at this years All Night Grad Party!  The All Night Grad Party is organized by the LBSS PTSA in partnership with the ANGP Committee, chaperoned by parents and members of the community, and staffed by the St James. Activities include a casino night, fun inflatables, and raffles with sought after prizes.  In addition, we use the amazing facilities at The St. James which include the field house, volleyball, pickleball and basketball courts, Super Awesome and Amazing, and an Olympic sized swimming pool and the arcade! We will have caricature artists and tons of photo ops!  There will also be plenty of food and drinks all night long! The evening is an alcohol-free and drug-free event that takes place in a safe and supervised environment. 

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News

Track & Field Eligibility – 2025 Spring Season

Beginning in March, any students interested in participating in Track and Field for the 2025 Spring season must submit a physical, emergency care card, and register online to be eligible. Brittany Nicolich, the Athletic Coordinator for Middle School Sports, will be collecting paperwork during WIN time. Students can find her in the gym by entering through the main doors. Students will need a lanyard pass to visit in order to hand in their paperwork and/or receive their participation ticket. Students will be returning to class after. Thank you so much for your help in getting these students ready for the spring season!


Become Unskippable: Practical Guidance for Talking With Teens About Fentanyl

Teens skip things that don't interest them, including lectures from their parents. But young people die from fentanyl overdoses in Fairfax County each year — so it's important to have short, impactful talks with your teen, whether or not you think they’re at risk.

As a parent or caregiver, you have the power to become “unskippable” and talk with your teen in a way they will listen. 

See our tips for talking with your teen(link is external) about fentanyl and other difficult subjects. Watch this video to learn more about becoming unskippable(link is external)

Prepare for a Summer of Learning and Fun

Registration is open or will be available soon for summer camps and learning opportunities(link is external) offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students.

Career and Technical Education and Institute for the Arts Summer Camps

Career and Technical Education camps and Institute for the Arts camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools. Registration begins for these programs on Monday, March 10, and ends Friday, June 6.

CTE Summer Academy (CSA)(link is external) is a week-long enrichment program that allows students in grades 6-11 to dive deeper into CTE program areas, develop skills, and begin career exploration. Watch this video about CTE camps(link is external)

IFTA(link is external) is a two- or three-week summer enrichment program for students currently in grades 6-11. Students select from nearly 90 classes in art, dance, Health and Physical Education 9 (graduation requirement), music, and theater. 

Earn Credit Toward Graduation This Summer

Take advantage of the opportunity to earn a high school course credit via this summer’s online campus program(link is external). Registration is now open. Students must register by Friday, June 6. Mathematics, health and physical education, career and technical education, English, science, social studies, and world language courses are available to eligible middle and high school students.

Summer is a great time for high school students to fulfill the Economics and Personal Finance course requirement. This is a self-directed course where students work independently. The course is available between Monday, June 23, and Friday, July 25. Registration is now open. Students must register by Friday, May 23. For more information, visit this Summer Learning page(link is external).

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • A Strong Academic Foundation
  • 70th Annual Regional Science Fair
  • New Breakfast Options

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - February 28, 2025(link is external)

GovDelivery2 weeks 1 day ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Hello Bruin Families,

This afternoon, our Girls Gymnastics team made history by winning their 4th State Championship in a row. Congratulations! Tomorrow is the Individual competition here at LBSS. Good luck to all gymnasts!

Tuesday night, I was so incredibly impressed by the International Night performances at LB. Our students worked so hard to prepare and it showed. Thank you to our teachers and SGA students for their time and effort.

Next Friday, March 7, is our annual Fan Quest basketball event. We will be hosting Centreville and Woodson and the event starts with tailgating in the Gym hallway starting at 5:00 pm. Games begin at 5:20 and will end no later than 7:30. 

On March 7, we will have a flipped bell schedule with 2nd and 8th periods flipped to accommodate a Middle School pep rally in the afternoon.

Lindsey Kearns

Girls Varsity Gymastics Team Earns 4th State Championship

International Night 2025

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Upcoming Events
Testing Dates

New Information and Important Reminders
Parent Tech Talk
Fan Quest Spirit Week
MS Spirit Week
SGA News
LBSS Community Yard Sale
MS Yearbook

Bruin Kudos

Class of 2025 News
Class of 2025 ANGP Tickets

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News
Middle School Track & Field Eligibility

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

Upcoming Events
March 2 - Read Across America Day
March 2-8 - National School Social Work Week
March 5 - Ash Wednesday
March 7 - Fan Quest / 2nd & 8th periods flipped
March 9 - Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 20 - Nowruz
March 28 - End of 2nd Quarter
March 31 - School Holiday for Eid al-Fitr

Testing Dates
The Integrated Reading and Writing assessment will be administered to 8th Grade ONLY on Monday, March 17 during 2nd period Advisory (Make up will be March 19).

New Information and Important Reminders

Parent Tech Talk

Last week, we touched on essential online safety tips. Now, let's dive deeper into how to talk to your tweens and teens about the online world.

Just like teaching them to cross the street safely, open and ongoing conversations are key. Here's what to discuss:

For tweens and teens:

  • Talk about how they should never post personal information or inappropriate content.
  • Discuss sexting and the permanency of online data.
  • Teach them how to avoid online predators by setting up privacy controls on their devices, like restricting apps’ location access.
  • Explain the warning signs that characterize online predators.
  • Tell them that safe adults won’t ask them to keep secrets or disrespect their boundaries.
  • Help them identify a trusted adult or guardian they can go to for help.
  • Discuss steps they can take if a friend confides in them about inappropriate online interactions, such as telling a trusted adult or pointing them to Know2Protect(link is external) resources.
  • Explain that minors shouldn’t share sexual abuse material because it’s illegal.
  • Explain that even if they’ve already shared sexual abuse material or been involved in inappropriate online interactions, it’s not too late to tell an adult and get help.
  • Discuss cyberbullying.


As Ramadan begins this evening, we want to remind families that our Prayer Room is available for students starting at 7:30 am. To use the Prayer Room during the school day, students should submit an eHall Pass approved by their teacher. In line with FCPS guidelines, parental permission is required for students to visit during instructional time. Please complete this form(link is external) or have your child pick up a paper permission slip from the main office if you haven't already provided permission. Students without prior permission will be allowed one visit and then given a form to take home for signing.

Fan Quest Spirit Week

For High Schoolers, please join us in celebrating our Fan Quest athletes by participating in our “Unleash Your Inner Superhero” Spirit Week.  It begins on Monday, 3/3 and culminates with the Fan Quest basketball game on 3/7.  Here is an overview of the daily themes:

Monday, 3/3:  Superhero in Disguise (wear your pajamas day)

Tuesday, 3/4:  Infinity Stone Day: Wear the Infinity Stone color for your grade Freshman:  Red  
Sophomore:  Orange   
Junior:  Blue   
Senior:  Purple

Wednesday, 3/5:  Captain America Day (wear red, white, and blue)  

Thursday, 3/6:  Character Day/ Dress like a Superhero  

Friday, 3/7:  Wear your Fan Quest 2025 T-shirts          

**Come to Fan Quest dressed as your favorite superhero**   

MS Spirit Week

MS SCA is sponsoring a spirit week next week to celebrate the MS Team Day Challenge Pep Rally on Friday, March 7.

Please remember that 2nd and 8th periods will be flipped on Friday for the Pep Rally.

SGA News

The INOVA Blood Drive is also coming up on March 7th. Please have your students pick up a permission form in the Cafeteria or SGA room on Gold Days February 27th, March 3rd, 5th, and 6th (purple, last chance). Students must be 16 years or older, 110 lbs or over, and have a signed permission form in order to give blood.

LBSS Community Yard Sale – Reserve Your Spot Now! 🎉

Turn your clutter into cash at the Lake Braddock PTSA Community Yard Sale!

📅 Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025 (rain date TBD)

🕗 Time: Setup will begin at 7 AM and the sale runs from 8 AM - 3 PM. Stay as long as you would like. 📍 Location: Lake Braddock Secondary School Parking Lot 💰 Cost: $30 early bird until March 5 and then $40 per parking spot (sell from your own space!) 🚗 300 spots available – first come, first served!

We do the advertising—you show up and sell! Don’t miss this chance to clear out your home and make some extra money while supporting the LBSS PTSA.

Reserve your spot today before they’re gone! is external)

Happy Valentine’s Day from your middle school yearbook staff!!

… Parents! Students! We need your pictures! Unload them from your cell phones and upload them to the 2025 yearbook. We will pick the best—high resolution pics of LB Middle School students, friends and pets!

Please use this url: is external) Use the Middle School code 13596.”

If you have any questions, please send an email to sends email)

Bruin Kudos

HS Theatre Award

In late January, LBT hosted its school level of the ESU National Shakespeare Competition. The guest judges were Dr. Tara Taylor (FCPS Theatre and Dance Specialist, GMU Faculty), Mary Lechter (AFYP Founder and Artistic Director, GMU Faculty, and Executive Director of the Mason Community Arts Academy), and Renee Dorrity (English Faculty LBSS).

That evening had 20 students performing to wild success, and results were as follows:

2nd Runner Up: Cora Ahlstrom
1st Runner Up: Murphy Finnegan
Winner: Holland Hasle

On February 25, Mr. Tourtellotte took the school level winner and the official alternate to the Branch Level competition, where Holland performed her monologue and a contrasting sonnet.

Please join us in congratulating Holland Hasle, now the official Washington D.C. Branch Champion for the ESU National Shakespeare Competition! This win qualifies Holland to compete at the National level of the competition this Spring in New York City. The LBT is very proud of her and excited for what is next.

Congratulations to all students who competed in and were recognized in this year’s school and branch competitions!

Former Band Director Honored

It is with great pride and admiration that we acknowledge our esteemed former colleague, Roy Holder, on his induction into the National Band Association’s Hall of Fame. This prestigious honor recognizes his lifelong dedication to music education, his unwavering commitment to excellence, and his profound impact on students, colleagues, and the band community at large.

Roy dedicated 24 years to the Lake Braddock band program, shaping it into one of the most respected music programs in the nation. His passion for music, leadership, and ability to inspire generations of young musicians have left an enduring legacy.

With his induction, Roy becomes one of only 64 members to receive this honor since the Hall of Fame’s inception in 1978. He joins an elite group of legendary figures in the band world, including John Philip Sousa, Col. John Bourgeois, Karl King, Frederick Fennell, and William D. Revelli.

Class of 2025 News

Important Information

Senior Fees
$70 due no later than May 30, 2025. Please see email dated January 8 for payment options.

Bridging Bruins
March 3- Application Begins
March 21- Application Ends
April 11- Notification of Acceptance
April 30- Final Approval
May 14- May 29- Internship
May 29- Presentation

PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
March 15 & 16

PROM-Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
May 9

Senior Breakfast
May 30

June 4

All Night Grad Party- St James
June 4 at 11pm

LBSS Class of '25 ANGP Tickets

June 4 at the St. James Springfield 11 PM - 5 AM is external)

Class of 2025, you are invited to come together, have fun and celebrate your accomplishments at this years All Night Grad Party!  The All Night Grad Party is organized by the LBSS PTSA in partnership with the ANGP Committee, chaperoned by parents and members of the community, and staffed by the St James. Activities include a casino night, fun inflatables, and raffles with sought after prizes.  In addition, we use the amazing facilities at The St. James which include the field house, volleyball, pickleball and basketball courts, Super Awesome and Amazing, and an Olympic sized swimming pool and the arcade! We will have caricature artists and tons of photo ops!  There will also be plenty of food and drinks all night long! The evening is an alcohol-free and drug-free event that takes place in a safe and supervised environment. 

Senior Panoramic Picture Available

The senior panoramic picture is now available for purchase. Here is the direct link to order: is external) 

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News

Track & Field Eligibility – 2025 Spring Season

Beginning in March, any students interested in participating in Track and Field for the 2025 Spring season must submit a physical, emergency care card, and register online to be eligible. Brittany Nicolich, the Athletic Coordinator for Middle School Sports, will be collecting paperwork during WIN time. Students can find her in the gym by entering through the main doors. Students will need a lanyard pass to visit in order to hand in their paperwork and/or receive their participation ticket. Students will be returning to class after. Thank you so much for your help in getting these students ready for the spring season!


Become Unskippable: Practical Guidance for Talking With Teens About Fentanyl

Teens skip things that don't interest them, including lectures from their parents. But young people die from fentanyl overdoses in Fairfax County each year — so it's important to have short, impactful talks with your teen, whether or not you think they’re at risk.

As a parent or caregiver, you have the power to become “unskippable” and talk with your teen in a way they will listen. 

See our tips for talking with your teen(link is external) about fentanyl and other difficult subjects. Watch this video to learn more about becoming unskippable(link is external)

Prepare for a Summer of Learning and Fun

Registration is open or will be available soon for summer camps and learning opportunities(link is external) offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students.

Career and Technical Education and Institute for the Arts Summer Camps

Career and Technical Education camps and Institute for the Arts camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools. Registration begins for these programs on Monday, March 10, and ends Friday, June 6.

CTE Summer Academy (CSA)(link is external) is a week-long enrichment program that allows students in grades 6-11 to dive deeper into CTE program areas, develop skills, and begin career exploration. Watch this video about CTE camps(link is external)

IFTA(link is external) is a two- or three-week summer enrichment program for students currently in grades 6-11. Students select from nearly 90 classes in art, dance, Health and Physical Education 9 (graduation requirement), music, and theater. 

Earn Credit Toward Graduation This Summer

Take advantage of the opportunity to earn a high school course credit via this summer’s online campus program(link is external). Registration is now open. Students must register by Friday, June 6. Mathematics, health and physical education, career and technical education, English, science, social studies, and world language courses are available to eligible middle and high school students.

Summer is a great time for high school students to fulfill the Economics and Personal Finance course requirement. This is a self-directed course where students work independently. The course is available between Monday, June 23, and Friday, July 25. Registration is now open. Students must register by Friday, May 23. For more information, visit this Summer Learning page(link is external).

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Summer Camps and Learning Opportunities
  • Supporting Academic Growth 
  • Preparing for Tough Conversations With Your Child

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - February 21, 2025(link is external)

GovDelivery3 weeks 1 day ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page(link is external).

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Hello Bruin Families,

Bravo to our LB Theatre for their production of Cinderella. We were especially pleased to have Superintendent Reid and School Board Member Sizemore-Heizer join us. It was a beautiful show.

Please also see the Bruin Kudos section below. We enjoy showcasing our student successes and this week features some amazing Jazz musicians, DECA entrepreneurs, and our JROTC JLAB Academic Team. Well done, Bruins!

As February wraps up, we're excited about all that's happening at Bruin Nation! Despite the cold weather, we're heating up with the State Gymnastics Finals, which we're thrilled to be hosting! The date has moved a few times due to the snow in Southern Virginia, but we're excited for the first day of competition on February 28.

Thanks to our students, teachers, and families for their continued dedication. More updates on upcoming events in March will be shared soon.

Lindsey Kearns

Ramadan begins at sundown on Friday, February 28. This day is an evening-only observance day(link is external). There is school on these days, but certain activities that cannot be made up can not take place after school. See the complete school year calendar(link is external). Throughout the year, as we celebrate and recognize various cultural holidays and observances, families are encouraged to contact their child’s Subschool Assistant Principal regarding accommodations, including but not limited to those around lunch, prayer/meditation and silent reflection spaces and times, and instruction.

As a reminder, per FCPS Regulations and Guidelines, parents need to provide written permission for students to visit the Prayer Room during instructional time. If you have not yet given that permission for your child, you can do so in one of two ways:

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Upcoming Events
Testing Dates

New Information and Important Reminders
Parent Tech Talk
PTSA Needs Your Help
LBSS Community Yard Sale
MS Yearbook
SGA News

Bruin Kudos
LBSS Jazz Ensemble
DECA School-Based Enterprises
JROTC JLAB Academic Team

Class of 2025 News
Class of 2025 ANGP Tickets

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

Upcoming Events
Black History Month
Career and Technical Education Month
Love the Bus Month
VSBA School Board Appreciation Month
February 25:  International Show
February 28: Beginning of Ramadan 

Testing Dates
The Integrated Reading and Writing assessment will be administered to 8th Grade ONLY on Monday, March 17 during 2nd period Advisory (Make up will be March 19).

New Information and Important Reminders

Parent Tech Talk

To keep your students safe online, ask your child to: 

CHECK YOUR COMMENTS AND IMAGES. Have you posted anything inappropriate or illegal, like threats, nudity, alcohol, or drugs?

TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT WHAT’S OK TO POST. Agree that you won’t post embarrassing or hurtful comments or images of each other. Be clear that you’ll delete – or if needed, report – any posts that are inappropriate, illegal, threatening, or could get you in trouble.

REVIEW YOUR ACCOUNT SETTINGS. Always ask yourself – what is on my profile and who can see it?

KNOW YOUR FRIENDS, CONTACTS, AND FOLLOWERS. These are the people who can see, share, and comment on what you post so you want to be sure you can trust them. Block and report anyone who makes harassing, threatening, or inappropriate comments. 

KEEP AN EYE ON 3RD PARTY AND CONNECTED APPS. Some of these will allow you to log into one app using account information from another. Be careful, as this may allow the company access to your profile information. 

DON’T FORGET MOBILE. When you use mobile devices like smartphones and tablets to post something or check in, you could also be sharing your location. Check your settings to make sure you’re only sharing what you want to.

REPORT. You have the right to be safe online. If anyone cyberbullies you, make a report to the website or app. If anyone shares or asks you to share sexual messages or images, make a report to

For more resources visit

Support LBSS PTSA Mulch Sale

Bruin Nation, the Class of 2025 All Night Grad Party committee needs your help! 

The ANGP is funded via the MULCH SALE. The Mulch Sale is March 15-16. We have sold a little over 4,000 bags and we need to sell 11,000+ in order to pay for all the things related to the ANGP. The last day to purchase mulch is March 1. Please consider helping out your graduating class this year. One day soon it will be your child's class. PLEASE purchase mulch. Please share this information with your friends and neighbors and any social media platform that would be beneficial. Thank you. We appreciate your support. 

Mulch Sale to support '25 ANGP(link is external)

We also need volunteers! The Mulch volunteer Sign-up is now available!! We need a huge crew to help run it, which includes adults and students! The delivery dates are March 15 and 16th, with two different shifts per day. Please consider signing up with these two links: 

Student Volunteers: is external) 

Adult Volunteers: is external)

LBSS Community Yard Sale – Reserve Your Spot Now! 🎉

Turn your clutter into cash at the Lake Braddock PTSA Community Yard Sale!

📅 Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025 (rain date TBD)

🕗 Time: Setup will begin at 7 AM and the sale runs from 8 AM - 3 PM. Stay as long as you would like. 📍 Location: Lake Braddock Secondary School Parking Lot 💰 Cost: $30 early bird until March 5 and then $40 per parking spot (sell from your own space!) 🚗 300 spots available – first come, first served!

We do the advertising—you show up and sell! Don’t miss this chance to clear out your home and make some extra money while supporting the LBSS PTSA.

Reserve your spot today before they’re gone! is external)

Happy Valentine’s Day from your middle school yearbook staff!!

… Parents! Students! We need your pictures! Unload them from your cell phones and upload them to the 2025 yearbook. We will pick the best—high resolution pics of LB Middle School students, friends and pets!

Please use this url: is external) Use the Middle School code 13596.”

If you have any questions, please send an email to sends email)

SGA News

If you have any latex house paint or spray paint that you no longer need, we would love to have it for our SGA advertisements! Please donate them to the SGA box in the front office. We would love spray paint in any color, but for house paint we are trying to avoid black, white, gold, and purple as we already have those colors.  

SGA has an Instagram page to advertise Lake Braddock's upcoming events! Follow @lakebraddocksga to stay updated on SGA's activities!

The International Show is coming up on Tuesday the 25th! We would love to see you attend one of the two shows, one is at 5:00 and the other is at 8:00. You can buy tickets for $8 on Etix. Get them soon, tickets sell out fast!

The INOVA Blood Drive is also coming up on March 7th. Please have your students pick up a permission form in the Cafeteria or SGA room on Gold Days February 27th, March 3rd, 5th, and 6th (purple, last chance). You must be 16 years or older, 110 lbs or over, and have a signed permission form in order to give blood.

Bruin Kudos

LBSS Jazz Ensemble

On Saturday, the Lake Braddock Jazz Ensemble attended the Mason Jazz Festival at George Mason University to perform for judges and clinicians. The Adjudicators and Clinicians, who were comprised of collegiate professors and active military band musicians, were extremely impressed with our students and had many kind and helpful things to say to them. There were 9 High Schools represented at this event, and although there was not a ranking or placement system, out of all 9 groups, we had individual and section awards for our performance!

The Best Trumpet Section of the Day was awarded to our trumpet players: Lucas C., Lukas S., Amelia B., Hudson M., and William C.

The Best Rhythm Section of the Day was awarded to our rhythm section players: Caleb M., Raiden C., Preston F., Wylie P., and Ben B.

Caleb McCree, the drum set player of the group, was awarded an Outstanding Performer Award (which included a cash prize!)

DECA School-Based Enterprises

Congratulations to our two school-based enterprises (SBE) – Spirit Box and Burger Pit, for earning their Gold Recertification in the DECA SBE Certification process! To earn this status, the business must prove it met select industry standards through a written report. Kudos to Spirit Box Managers Sophia Feazell and Brooke McDonald, and thank you to Nathan Belloni for his work on the final report for submission. We also congratulate Andrew Gallihugh and Delilah Nativiti, Student Managers of Burger Pit, for their work to ensure Burger Pit’s smooth operation and certification.   

We appreciate everyone’s support – it makes an impact on multiple classes in our program and over 100 students who, for many, it is their first work experience.

JROTC JLAB Academic Team

The Lake Braddock Secondary Army JROTC was the only JLAB Academic Team out of all branches of service in Virginia to make the June 2025 JLAB National Championship (Document Attached).  The LBSS JLAB Team emerged with top honors among the 2,011 Army JROTC academic teams worldwide. Their achievement placed them among the elite thirty-two Army JROTC Academic Bowl teams in the nation, earning them an all-expense paid trip to the Championship event in DC form 20-24 June 2025.

Class of 2025 News

Important Information

Senior Fees
$70 due no later than May 30, 2025. Please see email dated January 8 for payment options.

Senior Family Meeting
February 24 at 7:00 pm

Bridging Bruins
March 3- Application Begins
March 21- Application Ends
April 11- Notification of Acceptance
April 30- Final Approval
May 14- May 29- Internship
May 29- Presentation

PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
March 15 & 16

PROM-Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
May 9

Senior Breakfast
May 30

June 4

All Night Grad Party- St James
June 4 at 11pm

LBSS Class of '25 ANGP Tickets

June 4 at the St. James Springfield 11 PM - 5 AM is external)

Class of 2025, you are invited to come together, have fun and celebrate your accomplishments at this years All Night Grad Party!  The All Night Grad Party is organized by the LBSS PTSA in partnership with the ANGP Committee, chaperoned by parents and members of the community, and staffed by the St James. Activities include a casino night, fun inflatables, and raffles with sought after prizes.  In addition, we use the amazing facilities at The St. James which include the field house, volleyball, pickleball and basketball courts, Super Awesome and Amazing, and an Olympic sized swimming pool and the arcade! We will have caricature artists and tons of photo ops!  There will also be plenty of food and drinks all night long! The evening is an alcohol-free and drug-free event that takes place in a safe and supervised environment. 

Senior Panoramic Picture Available

The senior panoramic picture is now available for purchase. Here is the direct link to order: is external) 

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News

Important Dates

February 24 - High School Spring Sports Tryouts Begin

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


Become Unskippable: Practical Guidance for Talking With Teens About Fentanyl

Teens skip things that don't interest them, including lectures from their parents. But young people die from fentanyl overdoses in Fairfax County each year — so it's important to have short, impactful talks with your teen, whether or not you think they’re at risk.

As a parent or caregiver, you have the power to become “unskippable” and talk with your teen in a way they will listen. 

See our tips for talking with your teen(link is external) about fentanyl and other difficult subjects. Watch this video to learn more about becoming unskippable(link is external)

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra learning resources. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes; on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring; essay editing; and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors(link is external)

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Middle School Start Times
  • New Lunch Items
  • Talking to Teens About Tough Topics

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - February 14, 2025(link is external)

GovDelivery1 month ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page(link is external).

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Hello Bruin Families,

Even with a week of weather-related adjustments, our community shone brightly. Thank you for your adaptability with the early release, snow day, and Friday's modified schedule. The true highlight, however, was witnessing the incredible talent on display at the opening night of Cinderella! Our students and directors poured their hearts into this production, and it shows. Don't miss this opportunity to support them – tickets and information, including special children's performances, are available here(link is external). A reminder that we will be closed on Monday for Presidents Day. And finally, let's rally behind our Winter Sports athletes as they compete for championships in the coming week!

Lindsey Kearns

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Upcoming Events
Testing Dates

New Information and Important Reminders
Parent Tech Talk
PTSA Needs Your Help
MS Yearbook
SGA News: International Show

Class of 2025 News

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News
Spring Sports Tryout Information

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

Upcoming Events
Black History Month
Career and Technical Education Month
Love the Bus Month
VSBA School Board Appreciation Month
February 25:  International Show
February 28: Beginning of Ramadan 

Testing Dates
The Integrated Reading and Writing assessment will be administered to 8th Grade ONLY on Monday, March 17 during 2nd period Advisory (Make up will be March 19).

English 11 Writing WorkKeys MAKEUPS & RETAKES (required for graduation) will be administered on February 19 and February 20 beginning at 8 am.  Students will receive a testing notification in their email the week before.

New Information and Important Reminders

Parent Tech Talk

As a parent or trusted adult, it’s important that you know how children and teens spend their time online. According to Common Sense Media(link is external), media use in 2021 increased to more than 5 hours per day among tweens and more than 8 hours per day among teens. The top apps for teens(link is external) in 2023 were YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram. According to a U.S. Surgeon General report(link is external), "Social media use by young people is nearly universal, with up to 95% of young people ages 13-17 reporting using a social media platform and more than a third saying they use social media ‘almost constantly.’”

Learn more about specific apps here:

Tik Tok Digital Partnerships: Article(link is external) | Video(link is external)

Snapchat Article(link is external) | Video(link is external)

YouTube: Article(link is external)Video(link is external)

You can also set up limits across all social media through the phone settings here:

  1. Set a screen time limit on your iPhone(link is external)
  2. Set a screen time limit on your Android(link is external)

Support LBSS PTSA Mulch Sale

Bruin Nation, the Class of 2025 All Night Grad Party committee needs your help! 

The ANGP is funded via the MULCH SALE. The Mulch Sale is March 15-16. We have sold a little over 4,000 bags and we need to sell 11,000+ in order to pay for all the things related to the ANGP. The last day to purchase mulch is March 1. Please consider helping out your graduating class this year. One day soon it will be your child's class. PLEASE purchase mulch. Please share this information with your friends and neighbors and any social media platform that would be beneficial. Thank you. We appreciate your support. 

Mulch Sale to support '25 ANGP(link is external)

We also need volunteers! The Mulch volunteer Sign-up is now available!! We need a huge crew to help run it, which includes adults and students! The delivery dates are March 15 and 16th, with two different shifts per day. Please consider signing up with these two links: 

Student Volunteers: is external) 

Adult Volunteers: is external)

Happy Valentine’s Day from your middle school yearbook staff!!

… Parents! Students! We need your pictures! Unload them from your cell phones and upload them to the 2025 yearbook. We will pick the best—high resolution pics of LB Middle School students, friends and pets!

Please use this url: is external) Use the Middle School code 13596.”

If you have any questions, please send an email to sends email)

SGA News

The International Show is coming up on February 25th! Please come out to watch the extraordinary performers we have at LB representing our immense diversity and culture. There will be two shows, one at 5:00 pm and one at 8:00 pm. Tickets are on sale on etix for $8

Class of 2025 News

Important Information

Senior Fees
$70 due no later than May 30, 2025. Please see email dated January 8 for payment options.

Senior Family Meeting
February 24 at 7:00 pm

Bridging Bruins
March 3- Application Begins
March 21- Application Ends
April 11- Notification of Acceptance
April 30- Final Approval
May 14- May 29- Internship
May 29- Presentation

PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
March 15 & 16

PROM-Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
May 9

Senior Breakfast
May 30

June 4

All Night Grad Party- St James
June 4 at 11pm

Senior Panoramic Picture Available

The senior panoramic picture is now available for purchase. Here is the direct link to order: is external) 

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News Spring Sports Tryout Information – High School ONLY

Spring Sports for high school students begin on Monday, February 24th. Students must complete two requirements to pick up a Tryout Card during Distribution Week (February 18-21). To receive a tryout card, students must submit or have a current and valid VHSL Physical Examination(link is external) form (dated on or after May 1, 2024) on file with Student Activities and complete the online Athletic Registration(link is external). Students will not be eligible to tryout without a Tryout Card.

A select number of students with all requirements completed prior to Tryout Card Distribution will receive an email giving them the option to pick up their tryout card during WIN time on Friday 2/14, Wednesday 2/19, or Friday 2/21. All other students will be able to pick up their Tryout Card during all HS lunches in the cafeteria or after school in the Athletic Training Room (G101) of Distribution Week.

Important Dates

February 18-21 - High School Spring Sports Tryout Card Distribution
February 24 - High School Spring Sports Tryouts Begin

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


Protect Yourself and Your Community From the Flu

Fairfax County is experiencing very high levels of influenza (flu) illness. The Fairfax County Health Department reports that visits to emergency departments and urgent care centers for flu-like illness have increased, especially among children, and multiple flu outbreaks have occurred in our community and school settings. Read a letter from the health department(link is external)

The health department suggests taking the following steps to reduce the spread of flu and other germs:    

  • Cover coughs and sneezes. If you must be around others while ill, wearing a mask can help reduce spread.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available (with supervision for younger children).
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces.

According to the health department, to help prevent or reduce the spread of illness it is important for individuals who are sick to stay home and away from others until symptoms improve and until they have been free of fever for at least 24 hours. Visit this Attendance webpage(link is external) for guidance on when your child should go to school.

Learn More About How Your Child Feels at School

The Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener will be administered to students in grades 3-12 in March. Students use the SEL Screener twice a year to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop the skills they need to succeed. The screener works by asking questions or presenting statements that students can think about and respond to. This gives students a way to share how well their school community makes them feel valued, included, and supported.

After each screening, results are available in the Documents tab of SIS ParentVUE(link is external) and mailed to families who do not have a ParentVUE account. For more information, including SEL Screener questions and opt-out information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener(link is external) webpage.

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Flu Prevention
  • Students Spread Joy
  • Investing in our Classrooms

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - February 7, 2025(link is external)

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page(link is external).

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Hello Bruin Families,

Bruin Nation is buzzing with excitement! Our wrestlers, swimmers & divers, gymnasts, and indoor track athletes all competed fiercely at the District competitions, with a special shout-out to our Gymnastics team winning first in the District competition!  

I had the pleasure of attending the delightful HS Chorus Children's Concert and was truly inspired by the ingenuity and creativity displayed at the Science Fair. This week, I'm looking forward to the HS Theatre's production of Cinderella – I hear it's going to be magical!

We are incredibly proud of our students' hard work and accomplishments across academics, athletics, and the arts. The dedication and passion they demonstrate are truly inspiring. Thank you to our amazing students, supportive parents, and the tireless efforts of our staff for making Lake Braddock such a special and vibrant community.

Lindsey Kearns

Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change)FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration(link is external) on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School(link is external).   

The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community. 

For more information, contact Nina Thomas(link sends email), senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Upcoming Events
Testing Dates

New Information and Important Reminders
Parent Tech Talk
Report Cards
Discover NOVA Open House
LB Theatre Presents Cinderella
SGA News

Class of 2025 News
Senior Panoramic Available

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News
Spring Sports Tryout Information

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

Upcoming Events
Black History Month
Career and Technical Education Month
Love the Bus Month
VSBA School Board Appreciation Month
February 13-15: LB Theatre Presents Cinderella
February 14:  High School Pep Rally (2nd/8th periods flipped)
February 25:  International Show
February 28: Beginning of Ramadan 

Testing Dates
February 19th and 20th: English 11 Writing WorkKeys MAKEUPS & RETAKES (required for graduation) will be administered on February 19 and February 20 beginning at 8 am.  Students will receive a testing notification in their email the week before.

March 17th: IRW will be administered to 8th Grade ONLY on Monday, March 17 during 2nd period Advisory (Make up will be March 19)

New Information and Important Reminders

Parent Tech Talk

Set Ground Rules:
      -Define acceptable websites, apps, and device usage times.
     -Implement "blackout" periods.

Focus on Engagement:
     -Monitoring software is not enough.
     -Prioritize open communication and quality time.

Know the Platforms:
     -Familiarize yourself with your child's online activities.

Recognize Red Flags:
     -Increased online time, withdrawal, secrecy, and unexplained gifts.

Don't Just "Pull the Plug":
     -Address online safety concerns through open dialogue.

Get Involved:
     -Show genuine interest in their online world to build trust.

Report Cards

Quarter 2 report cards have now been posted in SIS. If you have yet to set up your ParentVUE account, please reach out to Angela Santizo (, Middle School Student Services Assistant or Sandy Coleman (, High School Student Information Assistant respectively to request your activation code. You may also submit a Parent Support Request(link is external) online.

Discover NOVA - Open House

We’re thrilled to share some exciting opportunities happening this spring at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA)! 

Our Dual Enrollment and Outreach & Recruitment team is hosting Discover NOVA – Open House events for prospective and current dual enrollment students and their families. These events will showcase academic programs, student support resources, and how to maximize dual enrollment credits—plus, attendees will get to tour the campuses! 

Students can choose from any of the following campus events. Registration is now open: is external).

·       Loudoun Campus — March 6, 4-7 PM

·       Alexandria Campus — March 13,  4-7 PM

·       Annandale Campus — March 27, 4-7 PM

·       Woodbridge Campus — April 3,  4-7 PM

·       Manassas Campus — April 24, 4-7 PM

Students who attend will be entered to win a $500 NOVA scholarship!

(Nontransferable; must be used at NOVA in Fall 2025.) 

The Prince is giving a ball!  His Royal Highness, the heroic and charming Prince Christopher (or Topher, for short) has returned from University and is soon to be crowned as King!  But there are problems: the kingdom (and its ruler) are both going through tough times.

On the advice of his counselors, he'll throw a magnificent party, and whichever girl he's dancing with at midnight will be his new bride. Meanwhile, a quiet and gentle young woman named Ella endures a life of neglect and mistreatment at the hands of her cruel and wicked stepmother - yet in spite of her unearned misfortunes, she manages to treat the people in her life with kindness, including a "crazy" old beggar woman named Marie.  

On the night of the Ball, while the stepfamily flounces away cackling at Ella's misfortunes something truly impossible, something magical happens, and Ella is given a beautiful gown and a golden opportunity to make her dreams of attending the ball and speaking with the Prince come true - so long as she is back by midnight!

Come and join the Lake Braddock Theatre for one of Rodgers and Hammerstein's most famous and beloved musicals - great for families and audience members of all ages! is external)

SGA News

SGA's Love Spirit Week is February 10-14
Monday: We love to be comfy! Wear PJs to school.
Tuesday: Show love for LB! Wear LB spirit wear.
Wednesday: Relationship status! 
  -Single- Wear White
  -Complicated- Wear Pink
  -Taken- Wear Red
Thursday: Anti-Valentines Day! Wear black.
Friday: PS I Love You Day, wear purple!

International Night:  February 25

International Night Flyer

Class of 2025 News

Important Information

Senior Fees
$70 due no later than May 30, 2025. Please see email dated January 8 for payment options.

Senior Family Meeting
February 24 at 7:00 pm

Bridging Bruins
March 3- Application Begins
March 21- Application Ends
April 11- Notification of Acceptance
April 30- Final Approval
May 14- May 29- Internship
May 29- Presentation

PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
March 15 & 16

PROM-Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
May 9

Senior Breakfast
May 30

June 4

All Night Grad Party- St James
June 4 at 11pm

Senior Panoramic Picture Available

The senior panoramic picture is now available for purchase. Here is the direct link to order: is external) 

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News Spring Sports Tryout Information – High School ONLY

Spring Sports for high school students begin on Monday, February 24th. Students must complete two requirements to pick up a Tryout Card during Distribution Week (February 18-21). To receive a tryout card, students must submit or have a current and valid VHSL Physical Examination(link is external) form (dated on or after May 1, 2024) on file with Student Activities and complete the online Athletic Registration(link is external). Students will not be eligible to tryout without a Tryout Card.

A select number of students with all requirements completed prior to Tryout Card Distribution will receive an email giving them the option to pick up their tryout card during WIN time on Friday 2/14, Wednesday 2/19, or Friday 2/21. All other students will be able to pick up their Tryout Card during all HS lunches in the cafeteria or after school in the Athletic Training Room (G101) of Distribution Week.

Important Dates

February 18-21 - High School Spring Sports Tryout Card Distribution
February 24 - High School Spring Sports Tryouts Begin

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized(link is external) against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE(link is external)

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website(link is external) for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources(link is external). Be wise and immunize!

Students Invited to Share Their Voices at the 2025 Family Summit

The 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, at South Lakes High School(link is external). Visit the Family Summit webpage(link is external) for more information. 

At the event, FCPS students are invited to showcase projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume-building opportunity, and students can earn service hours as well. Students may share their work in a share-fair environment using posters, essays, videos, songs, or art. They will interact with attendees through conversations about their work, ideas, and efforts to foster inclusivity in school communities. 

Students must use this Google Form to participate(link is external) by Monday, February 17. A list of possible projects is also on the form. More information will be provided after the student’s submission is received. Please contact Manuel Gomez Portillo(link sends email) with any questions. 

✨ Centering student voice is part of FCPS’ Strategic Plan(link is external) Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered.

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Proposed Budget Progress
  • Apply for Dual Immersion and Magnet Lotteries
  • Black History Month Event

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - January 31, 2025(link is external)

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page(link is external).

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Hello families,

As we launch into the second half of the school year, we're energized and excited about the opportunities ahead for our students! We'll be finalizing course selections for next year in the coming weeks, and many of our academic and athletic teams are gearing up for playoff season – get ready to cheer them on!

Next week is School Counselor Appreciation Week, and we at LBSS want to express our sincere gratitude for our incredible middle and high school counselors. They are truly dedicated to our students, generously giving their time and expertise to ensure every student's needs are met. From guiding course selections and academic planning to supporting students' well-being and stress management, our counselors are invaluable. Please join us in thanking them for their exceptional contributions.

We deeply appreciate being part of this vibrant and supportive community. We look forward to continuing our strong partnership with you, working together to empower our students to thrive and achieve their full potential.

Lindsey Kearns

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Upcoming Events
Testing Dates

New Information and Important Reminders
Parent Tech Talk
LB Theatre Presents Cinderella
PTSA Mulch Sale
MS Yearbooks
SGA News

Class of 2025 News
Senior Panoramic Available

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News
Spring Sports Tryout Information

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

Upcoming Events
Black History Month
Career and Technical Education Month
Love the Bus Month
VSBA School Board Appreciation Month
February 13-15: LB Theatre Presents Cinderella
February 14:  High School Pep Rally (2nd/8th periods flipped)
February 25:  International Show
February 28: Beginning of Ramadan 

Testing Dates
January 30-31:  English 11 Writing WorkKeys (required for graduation) administered during English 11 classes

March 17:  IRW will be administered to 8th Grade ONLY during 2nd period Advisory (Make up will be March 19)

New Information and Important Reminders

Parent Tech Talk

Last week, we touched on essential online safety tips. Now, let's dive deeper into how to talk to your tweens and teens about the online world.

Just like teaching them to cross the street safely, open and ongoing conversations are key. Here's what to discuss:


For tweens and teens:

  • Talk about how they should never post personal information or inappropriate content.
  • Discuss sexting and the permanency of online data.
  • Teach them how to avoid online predators by setting up privacy controls on their devices, like restricting apps’ location access.
  • Explain the warning signs that characterize online predators.
  • Tell them that safe adults won’t ask them to keep secrets or disrespect their boundaries.
  • Help them identify a trusted adult or guardian they can go to for help.
  • Discuss steps they can take if a friend confides in them about inappropriate online interactions, such as telling a trusted adult or pointing them to Know2Protect(link is external) resources.
  • Explain that minors shouldn’t share sexual abuse material because it’s illegal.
  • Explain that even if they’ve already shared sexual abuse material or been involved in inappropriate online interactions, it’s not too late to tell an adult and get help.
  • Discuss cyberbullying.

The Prince is giving a ball!  His Royal Highness, the heroic and charming Prince Christopher (or Topher, for short) has returned from University and is soon to be crowned as King!  But there are problems: the kingdom (and its ruler) are both going through tough times.

On the advice of his counselors, he'll throw a magnificent party, and whichever girl he's dancing with at midnight will be his new bride. Meanwhile, a quiet and gentle young woman named Ella endures a life of neglect and mistreatment at the hands of her cruel and wicked stepmother - yet in spite of her unearned misfortunes, she manages to treat the people in her life with kindness, including a "crazy" old beggar woman named Marie.  

On the night of the Ball, while the stepfamily flounces away cackling at Ella's misfortunes something truly impossible, something magical happens, and Ella is given a beautiful gown and a golden opportunity to make her dreams of attending the ball and speaking with the Prince come true - so long as she is back by midnight!

Come and join the Lake Braddock Theatre for one of Rodgers and Hammerstein's most famous and beloved musicals - great for families and audience members of all ages! is external)

PTSA Mulch Sale

Your generosity to Lake Braddock last year made a significant difference for our Senior class and we were incredibly grateful for your support. Thanks to your previous donations and purchases we were able to provide the Senior Class with an outstanding, safe and fun All Night Grad Party(link is external). We are once again reaching out in need of your support for The Class of 2025! If you have not already had a chance to do so please purchase from our MULCH SALE and/or make a direct donation. Your continued support will enable us again to host this fun and safe night for this years graduating class. We cannot thank you enough! To learn more about ANGP, please click here.(link is external)

We are selling JK’s Double-Shredded Hardwood Mulch(link is external) in 3 cubic-foot bags at $5.50 per bag. We offer Free Delivery the weekend of March 15/16, 2025 for orders of 15 bags or more. For orders that are less than 15 bags we ask that you pick up your mulch at the LBSS Parking Lot on Saturday, March 15th, 2025.

We also need lots of volunteers to help with our mulch sale. Please send an email to Sara Sousa if you are able to help.

Questions? Email: Sara Sousa(link sends email)

MS Yearbooks

There is ice on the streets, but warm your hearts with a purchase of the middle school yearbook!. The Ursa is filled with all the fun memories from your child’s school year. You can order your yearbooks online for $38. Please scan the QR code or visit is external). Use the code 13596 for Middle School.”

For questions, send a message to the yearbook adviser, Kelli Gary, at sends email).

SGA News

Counselor Appreciation Week is February 3-7. Please fill out this form(link is external) to give a shoutout to our counselors.

SGA's Love Spirit Week is February 10-14
Monday: We love to be comfy! Wear PJs to school.
Tuesday: Show love for LB! Wear LB spirit wear.
Wednesday: Relationship status! 
  -Single- Wear White
  -Complicated- Wear Pink
  -Taken- Wear Red
Thursday: Anti-Valentines Day! Wear black.
Friday: PS I Love You Day, wear purple!

International Night:  February 25

International Night Flyer

Class of 2025 News

Important Information

Senior Fees
$70 due no later than May 30, 2025. Please see email dated January 8 for payment options.

Senior Family Meeting
February 24 at 7:00 pm

Bridging Bruins
March 3- Application Begins
March 21- Application Ends
April 11- Notification of Acceptance
April 30- Final Approval
May 14- May 29- Internship
May 29- Presentation

PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
March 15 & 16

PROM-Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
May 9

Senior Breakfast
May 30

June 4

All Night Grad Party- St James
June 4 at 11pm

Senior Panoramic Picture Available

The senior panoramic picture is now available for purchase. Here is the direct link to order: is external) 

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News Spring Sports Tryout Information – High School ONLY

Spring Sports for high school students begin on Monday, February 24th. Students must complete two requirements to pick up a Tryout Card during Distribution Week (February 18-21). To receive a tryout card, students must submit or have a current and valid VHSL Physical Examination(link is external) form (dated on or after May 1, 2024) on file with Student Activities and complete the online Athletic Registration(link is external). Students will not be eligible to tryout without a Tryout Card.

A select number of students with all requirements completed prior to Tryout Card Distribution will receive an email giving them the option to pick up their tryout card during WIN time on Friday 2/14, Wednesday 2/19, or Friday 2/21. All other students will be able to pick up their Tryout Card during all HS lunches in the cafeteria or after school in the Athletic Training Room (G101) of Distribution Week.

Important Dates

February 18-21 - High School Spring Sports Tryout Card Distribution
February 24 - High School Spring Sports Tryouts Begin

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage(link is external)
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness(link is external).

Application for the 2025 Student Representative to the School Board

The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. 

Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience(link is external) from the current representative, Megan Sawant. 

Application Information and Deadlines

To be considered for the election, students are required to provide:

  • A written component, which is due Monday, February 24.
  • A 30-second candidate video statement, which is due Wednesday, March 26. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on Monday, March 17.

Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process(link is external).

Virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings

If you have not been able to attend a Community Boundary Review meeting yet, it’s not too late! The following virtual meetings will have the same format and information available as the previous in-person meetings:

 Click one of the dates above to register and receive your unique Zoom link. Please note that each virtual meeting will be capped at 400 participants to help provide a meaningful experience for all. Language interpretation will be available. Learn about FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review(link is external). Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter(link is external) for updates.

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • SOL Score Reports
  • Upcoming Budget Presentation
  • Science Fair Judges Needed

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - January 24, 2025(link is external)

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page(link is external).

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Hello families,

Today we held our second and final lockdown drill of the year and appreciate the attention and cooperation of our students. These drills are important for our students to practice what to do in the event of a true lockdown emergency.  

The quarter and semester end next week, and there is a student holiday on January 29 as a teacher workday. An update has been made to the gradebook system, so that families will now have access to the gradebook until the last day of the quarter, January 28 at 4:00 pm, and will be available again February 4 at 6:00 am. If you have any questions about your student's grade, please do not hesitate to reach out to the teacher for assistance. If you need further assistance, please reach out to the subject area administrator or myself; we will do our best to get you the help that you need. 

Thank you for your partnership and we look forward to a great second semester. 

Lindsey Kearns

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Upcoming Events
Testing Dates

New Information and Important Reminders
Parent Tech Talk
PTSA Mulch Sale
SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey
MS Yearbooks
SGA News

Class of 2025 News

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News
Spring Sports Tryout Information

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

Upcoming Events
January 28: End of 2nd Quarter (no early release)
January 29: Teacher Workday (no school for students)
February 14:  High School Pep Rally (2nd/8th periods flipped)
February 25:  International Show 

Testing Dates
January 30-31:  English 11 Writing WorkKeys (required for graduation) administered during English 11 classes

March 17:  IRW will be administered to 8th Grade ONLY during 2nd period Advisory (Make up will be March 19)

New Information and Important Reminders

Parent Tech Talk

Navigating the digital world with your child can feel overwhelming. Here are 10 essential tech tips to help keep them safe online.

  1. Talk Openly: Start an open, two-way conversation with your child.
  2. Control Access:Password-protect or control access to your child’s app store and gaming downloads.
  3. Set Limits: Establish clear time and area limits for device usage. Set regular "device check-in" times.
  1. Set a screen time limit on your iPhone(link is external)
  2. Set a screen time limit on your Android(link is external)
  1. Privacy First: Set all apps, games and devices to private.
  2. Location Protection: Turn off location data services on social media and nonessential apps.
  3. Data Forever: Explain to your child that information shared online can last a lifetime.
  4. Family Agreement: Create a contract(link is external) with your child regarding online behavior.
  5. Friend List Review: Regularly review your child's friend lists on social media platforms and remove any unknown contacts.
  6. Beware of "Game Switching": Warn your child never to leave a game to chat with someone they don't know on a different platform.

Evidence Preservation: Do not delete messages, images or videos from predators and do not forward any sexually explicit images or videos. Save usernames, screenshots and images or videos as evidence for law enforcement to collect directly from the device.

PTSA Mulch Sale

Your generosity to Lake Braddock last year made a significant difference for our Senior class and we were incredibly grateful for your support. Thanks to your previous donations and purchases we were able to provide the Senior Class with an outstanding, safe and fun All Night Grad Party(link is external). We are once again reaching out in need of your support for The Class of 2025! If you have not already had a chance to do so please purchase from our MULCH SALE and/or make a direct donation. Your continued support will enable us again to host this fun and safe night for this years graduating class. We cannot thank you enough! To learn more about ANGP, please click here.(link is external)

We are selling JK’s Double-Shredded Hardwood Mulch(link is external) in 3 cubic-foot bags at $5.50 per bag. We offer Free Delivery the weekend of March 15/16, 2025 for orders of 15 bags or more. For orders that are less than 15 bags we ask that you pick up your mulch at the LBSS Parking Lot on Saturday, March 15th, 2025.

We also need lots of volunteers to help with our mulch sale. Please send an email to Sara Sousa if you are able to help.

Questions? Email: Sara Sousa(link sends email)

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey

All FCPS families and middle and high school students have received an invitation to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R)(link is external), cell phone policy(link is external), and cell phone storage(link is external) options. The survey will be available through Monday, February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

MS Yearbooks

There is ice on the streets, but warm your hearts with a purchase of the middle school yearbook!. The Ursa is filled with all the fun memories from your child’s school year. You can order your yearbooks online for $38. Please scan the QR code or visit is external). Use the code 13596 for Middle School.”

For questions, send a message to the yearbook adviser, Kelli Gary, at sends email).

SGA News

Counselor Appreciation Week is February 3-7. Please fill out this form(link is external) to give a shoutout to our counselors.

SGA's Love Spirit Week is February 10-14
Monday: We love to be comfy! Wear PJs to school.
Tuesday: Show love for LB! Wear LB spirit wear.
Wednesday: Relationship status! 
  -Single- Wear White
  -Complicated- Wear Pink
  -Taken- Wear Red
Thursday: Anti-Valentines Day! Wear black.
Friday: PS I Love You Day, wear purple!

International Night:  February 25

International Night Flyer

Class of 2025 News

Important Information

Senior Fees
$70 due no later than May 30, 2025. Please see email dated January 8 for payment options.

Senior Family Meeting
February 24 at 7:00 pm

Bridging Bruins
March 3- Application Begins
March 21- Application Ends
April 11- Notification of Acceptance
April 30- Final Approval
May 14- May 29- Internship
May 29- Presentation

PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
March 15 & 16

PROM-Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
May 9

Senior Breakfast
May 30

June 4

All Night Grad Party- St James
June 4 at 11pm

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News Spring Sports Tryout Information – High School ONLY

Spring Sports for high school students begin on Monday, February 24th. Students must complete two requirements to pick up a Tryout Card during Distribution Week (February 18-21). To receive a tryout card, students must submit or have a current and valid VHSL Physical Examination(link is external) form (dated on or after May 1, 2024) on file with Student Activities and complete the online Athletic Registration(link is external). Students will not be eligible to tryout without a Tryout Card.

A select number of students with all requirements completed prior to Tryout Card Distribution will receive an email giving them the option to pick up their tryout card during WIN time on Friday 2/14, Wednesday 2/19, or Friday 2/21. All other students will be able to pick up their Tryout Card during all HS lunches in the cafeteria or after school in the Athletic Training Room (G101) of Distribution Week.

Important Dates

February 18-21 - High School Spring Sports Tryout Card Distribution
February 24 - High School Spring Sports Tryouts Begin

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage(link is external)
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness(link is external).

Application for the 2025 Student Representative to the School Board

The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply. 

Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience(link is external) from the current representative, Megan Sawant. 

Application Information and Deadlines

To be considered for the election, students are required to provide:

  • A written component, which is due Monday, February 24.
  • A 30-second candidate video statement, which is due Wednesday, March 26. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on Monday, March 17.

Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process(link is external).

Virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings

If you have not been able to attend a Community Boundary Review meeting yet, it’s not too late! The following virtual meetings will have the same format and information available as the previous in-person meetings:

 Click one of the dates above to register and receive your unique Zoom link. Please note that each virtual meeting will be capped at 400 participants to help provide a meaningful experience for all. Language interpretation will be available. Learn about FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review(link is external). Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter(link is external) for updates.

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • SOL Score Reports
  • Upcoming Budget Presentation
  • Science Fair Judges Needed

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - January 17, 2025(link is external)

GovDelivery1 month 4 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page(link is external).

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Hello families,

As we continue to experience cold weather and snow on the ground, I want to say thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate the weather. A quick reminder for our students: please be prepared for the cold weather. Temperatures will be frigid next week and we want students to be safe if we are required to be outside for any length of time. We are required to hold monthly fire drills and, while we try to schedule around bad weather, we aren't always able to do so.

January 28 marks the end of the second quarter and the halfway point for this school year. Unlike prior years, it is a full school day with no early release but students will not have school on January 29.

Stay warm and safe,

Lindsey Kearns

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Upcoming Events

New Information and Important Reminders
Parent Tech Talk
SGA News

High School Information
AP Testing Information

Class of 2025 News

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News
Spring Sports Tryout Information

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

Upcoming Events

January 20:  School Holiday
January 28: End of 2nd Quarter (no early release)
January 29: Teacher Workday (no school for students)
February 14:  High School Pep Rally (2nd/8th periods flipped)
February 25:  International Show 

New Information and Important Reminders

Parent Tech Talk

Over the coming months, we'll be introducing a new segment in our school newsletter: Parent Tech Talk! We believe that understanding the digital world is crucial for both students and parents. These tips will cover a range of topics, from fostering healthy online habits to recognizing potential online dangers. By equipping you with knowledge and strategies, we aim to empower you to guide your teenagers towards a safe and positive digital experience.

We look forward to sharing these valuable insights with you.

AP & DE Virtual Office Hours

On Tuesday, January 21, AP & DE teachers will hold a virtual office hour from 7-8pm This opportunity is available for parents and students to be able to ask questions about classes for next year. If you have any questions about this opportunity, please reach out to Kat Young.

Edison Academy Open House

Edison Academy invites you to attend our in-person Open House event on Saturday, February 1, 2025 from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (snow date is Saturday, February 8).  We are located at 5801 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA.  Our entrance is located at Door #13. You will have the opportunity to tour our state-of-the-art facilities, meet our instructors and current students, and learn more about our incredible courses!  Please feel free to contact Cassandra Deedy at (703) 924-8101 or sends email) if you need any additional information.  Thank you and we’ll look forward to meeting you on February 1st.

SGA News

Paint and Sip for students is on January 22, right after school in Room A212, featuring important conversations, hot cocoa, and fun.

SGA is taking applications for next year. If your child would like to be part of an amazing community of student leaders, encourage them to pick up an application in Room A212. Applications are due by January 24.

Counselor Appreciation Week is February 3-7. Please fill out this form(link is external) to give a shoutout to our counselors.

SGA's Love Spirit Week is February 10-14. 
Monday: We love to be comfy! Wear PJs to school.
Tuesday: Show love for LB! Wear LB spirit wear.
Wednesday: Relationship status! 
  -Single- Wear White
  -Complicated- Wear Pink
  -Taken- Wear Red
Thursday: Anti-Valentines Day! Wear black.
Friday: PS I Love You Day, wear purple!

Class of 2025 News

Important Information

Senior Fees
$70 due no later than May 30, 2025. Please see email dated January 8 for payment options.

Senior Family Meeting
February 24 at 7:00 pm

Bridging Bruins
March 3- Application Begins
March 21- Application Ends
April 11- Notification of Acceptance
April 30- Final Approval
May 14- May 29- Internship
May 29- Presentation

PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
March 15 & 16

PROM-Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park
May 9

Senior Breakfast
May 30

June 4

All Night Grad Party- St James
June 4 at 11pm

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News Spring Sports Tryout Information – High School ONLY

Spring Sports for high school students begin on Monday, February 24th. Students must complete two requirements to pick up a Tryout Card during Distribution Week (February 18-21). To receive a tryout card, students must submit or have a current and valid VHSL Physical Examination(link is external) form (dated on or after May 1, 2024) on file with Student Activities and complete the online Athletic Registration(link is external). Students will not be eligible to tryout without a Tryout Card.

A select number of students with all requirements completed prior to Tryout Card Distribution will receive an email giving them the option to pick up their tryout card during WIN time on Friday 2/14, Wednesday 2/19, or Friday 2/21. All other students will be able to pick up their Tryout Card during all HS lunches in the cafeteria or after school in the Athletic Training Room (G101) of Distribution Week.

Important Dates

February 18-21 - High School Spring Sports Tryout Card Distribution
February 24 - High School Spring Sports Tryouts Begin

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey Coming Soon

All FCPS families and middle and high school students will be receiving an email invitation on Tuesday, January 21, to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R)(link is external), cell phone policy(link is external), and cell phone storage(link is external) options. The survey will be available from January 21 to February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter(link is external) or visit their webinar webpage(link is external).

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee(link is external) held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials(link is external) that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a virtual meeting:

  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage(link is external) to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter(link is external) as well.

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Dress Children Warmly
  • Proposed Construction Projects
  • Dual Language Immersion Lottery

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - January 10, 2025(link is external)

GovDelivery2 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page(link is external).

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Dear families,

Happy New Year! It was a pleasure welcoming students back to school today. I want to offer a huge thank you to our dedicated custodial staff who worked tirelessly to ensure our campus was safe and accessible for everyone. I was particularly impressed by watching them continue to chip away at the ice on our front walkway in the blustery weather on Thursday. 

With our adjusted schedule this week, our academic advising calendar has been adjusted. Students have been provided this information through Schoology, so encourage your student to check out the announcement from Ms. Polino. 

I encourage you to visit our school website for more information on upcoming school events and opportunities.

Lindsey Kearns

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
International Show
PTSA Mulch Sale

New Information and Important Reminders
School Delays and Closings

High School Information
AP Testing Information

Class of 2025 News
Important Dates
Senior Photos

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

International Show

Save the date for the International Show on February 25, 2025! We will host two shows that evening in the Little Theater. Keep an eye out for updates for ticket sales following winter break. Any student wishing to participate should contact Mr. Britton or Mrs. Markey if they missed the interest meeting this week. 

PTSA Mulch Sale

Order now to support the Seniors All Night Grad Party (ANGP)! The PTSA is offering JK’s Double-Shredded Hardwood Mulch (Brown) in 3 cubic-foot bags at $5.50 per bag

Free Delivery for orders of 15 bags or more and live in LBSS zone. Delivery is Sat. or Sun. March 15-16, 2025

Orders less than 15 bags must be picked up at the LBSS Parking Lot on Saturday, March 15th, 2025

**Last day to order is March 1** is external)

New Information and Important Reminders

Be Among the First to Hear About School Delays/Closings

Watch this video to see how FCPS makes weather closing decisions(link is external)

FCPS’ website(link is external) is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible, including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated(link is external).

Be among the first to hear about weather delays and closings! Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE(link is external). Emails and text messages are sent to parents and caregivers based on the addresses and cell phone numbers entered on this platform. 

High School Information

AP Testing Information

If your high school student is taking at least one AP course this school year, please make sure you are checking for important AP information found in two places:

  • On the LB website:
  • In Schoology: Make sure your student joins the LBSS AP Student 2024-2025 Group in Schoology by using this Access Code: FK4N-R32H-5ZBTZ Parents/guardians can join the group, too!

Please contact the AP Testing Team below with questions and /or concerns: 

Lynn Carrera:
Deb Brown:
Gary Ranallo:
Maggie Spingler:

Class of 2025 News

Important Dates

All sessions for senior photos at LBSS have been filled. If your senior still needs to have a yearbook photo taken, they should check in with Ms. Poquis in L202.

Other Dates
March 15-16 - PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
May 9 - Prom

Graduation:  June 4, 2025 -- 9:30 am

Senior Ads

The yearbook is a memory book for students, and you can make your senior's yearbook a treasure by including a personalized ad. Through, you will upload high resolution images, place the images in an ad template, and write your own message to your senior(s). 

If the content of the photos is inappropriate for a school setting, you will be asked to change your ad. Please be mindful of this with baby photos.

Original artwork and poetry may be submitted. Lyrics, poems, quotes and Biblical references are limited to four lines and must include attribution. We cannot violate copyright law.

The Yearbook Order Center accepts credit cards, echecks and PayPal payments.

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


Phones Down, Engagement Up: FCPS Cell Phone Policy Keeping cell phones off during the school day helps students focus and learn. It also boosts positive social behavior. Review FCPS’ cell phone expectations by grade level(link is external) with your child and help keep our classrooms free of distractions! If you need to reach your child during the school day, please call our [main office]. 

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes; on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring; essay editing; and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors(link is external)

Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter(link is external) or visit their webinar webpage(link is external).

Upcoming Family Academy Events

You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings(link is external).

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee(link is external) held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials(link is external) that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a virtual meeting:

  • Thursday, January 16, 2025, 1-2:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage(link is external) to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter(link is external) as well.

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • National Merit Commended Scholars
  • Celebrating the Best of 2024 in FCPS
  • Cell Phones Off, Learning On

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - December 20, 2024(link is external)

GovDelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page(link is external).

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Dear families,

As the holiday season approaches, I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support of Lake Braddock Secondary School. Your partnership is invaluable in creating a positive and nurturing learning environment for our students.

This week, we've been treated to some truly inspiring performances by our talented chorus and guitar students, and the directors for their exceptional guidance and support. Their dedication, hard work, and passion for music have shone brightly. We're so proud of their accomplishments and grateful for the opportunity to share their talents with our community.

I wish you and your families a joyous and peaceful holiday season filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments. May the new year bring you happiness, health, and prosperity.

Lindsey Kearns

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
International Show
PTSA Mulch Sale

New Information and Important Reminders
School Delays and Closings

High School Information
HS Yearbook
AP Testing Information

Middle School Information
MS Yearbook

Class of 2025 News
Important Dates
Senior Photos

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News

Upcoming Events

December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (School Closed)

Spring 2025 Testing Schedule

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

International Show

Save the date for the International Show on February 25, 2025! We will host two shows that evening in the Little Theater. Keep an eye out for updates for ticket sales following winter break. Any student wishing to participate should contact Mr. Britton or Mrs. Markey if they missed the interest meeting this week. 

PTSA Mulch Sale

Order now to support the Seniors All Night Grad Party (ANGP)! The PTSA is offering JK’s Double-Shredded Hardwood Mulch (Brown) in 3 cubic-foot bags at $5.50 per bag

Free Delivery for orders of 15 bags or more and live in LBSS zone. Delivery is Sat. or Sun. March 15-16, 2025

Orders less than 15 bags must be picked up at the LBSS Parking Lot on Saturday, March 15th, 2025

**Last day to order is March 1** is external)

New Information and Important Reminders

Be Among the First to Hear About School Delays/Closings

Watch this video to see how FCPS makes weather closing decisions(link is external)

FCPS’ website(link is external) is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible, including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated(link is external).

Be among the first to hear about weather delays and closings! Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE(link is external). Emails and text messages are sent to parents and caregivers based on the addresses and cell phone numbers entered on this platform. 

High School Information

High School Yearbooks

Order your 2025 HS Yearbook now. Prices increase in January.

Go to and use code 5061.

2025-26 FAFSA Form Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account(link is external), if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA(link is external).

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website(link is external).

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website(link is external).

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email sends email).

AP Testing Information

If your high school student is taking at least one AP course this school year, please make sure you are checking for important AP information found in two places:

  • On the LB website:
  • In Schoology: Make sure your student joins the LBSS AP Student 2024-2025 Group in Schoology by using this Access Code: FK4N-R32H-5ZBTZ Parents/guardians can join the group, too!

Please contact the AP Testing Team below with questions and /or concerns: 

Lynn Carrera:
Deb Brown:
Gary Ranallo:
Maggie Spingler:

Middle School Information

TIS THE SEASON…To Order Your Middle School Yearbook!!

…before the price goes up. From now until 12/31, you will pay only $36 for The Ursa middle school yearbook. Order today and capture all the memories of  your middle school student’s 2024-25 school year.

Just scan the QR code or type the URL into your browser: is external)  Use the Middle School code 13596.

If you have any questions, please send an email to sends email)

Class of 2025 News

Important Dates

All sessions for senior photos at LBSS have been filled. If your senior still needs to have a yearbook photo taken, they should check in with Ms. Poquis in L202.

Other Dates
March 15-16 - PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
May 9 - Prom

Graduation:  June 4, 2025 -- 9:30 am

Senior Ads

The yearbook is a memory book for students, and you can make your senior's yearbook a treasure by including a personalized ad. Through, you will upload high resolution images, place the images in an ad template, and write your own message to your senior(s). 

If the content of the photos is inappropriate for a school setting, you will be asked to change your ad. Please be mindful of this with baby photos.

Original artwork and poetry may be submitted. Lyrics, poems, quotes and Biblical references are limited to four lines and must include attribution. We cannot violate copyright law.

The Yearbook Order Center accepts credit cards, echecks and PayPal payments.

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter(link is external) or visit their webinar webpage(link is external).

Upcoming Family Academy Events

You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings(link is external).

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee(link is external) held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials(link is external) that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a virtual meeting:

  • Friday, January 10, 2025, 6-7:30 p.m. 
  • Thursday, January 16, 2025, 1-2:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage(link is external) to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter(link is external) as well.

Winter Special Education and 504 Newsletter

The latest issue of the FCPS Special Education and 504 Newsletter(link is external) is available online. Topics in this issue include:

  • Community Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities
  • Save the Date: 2025 Family Summit
  • SEL Screener Results
  • New Accessibility Resources
  • Adapted Physical Education and Recreation Program
  • Why Some Students with Disabilities Stay in FCPS Until Age 22
  • VR Programs Supports Out-of-State Post Secondary Schools
  • Executive Functioning Webinars
  • Early Literacy Resources
  • ESY and Assessment Webinar
  • COVID-19 Compensatory Education: FCPS Service Delivery Options

Subscribe to the Special Education and 504 Newsletter(link is external)

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration
  • Be Among the First to Hear About Closings/Delays
  • Fall 2024 Sports Champions

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - December 13, 2024(link is external)

GovDelivery3 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page(link is external).

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Principal's Message

Next week marks the exciting culmination of 2024 with Winter Spirit Week! Get ready for a fun-filled week of themed days, culminating with a "High School Throwback" Friday where staff will be showcasing their best high school looks. I can't wait to see the creativity!

A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated directors and talented students who have graced us with incredible concerts and theater productions this year. The winter performances were truly inspiring. We are deeply grateful to our booster organizations for their unwavering support of our Performing Arts programs, and we extend our sincere appreciation to all the parents who generously volunteer their time to make these events possible.

As we bid farewell to the fall athletics season, we celebrate the outstanding achievements of our dedicated athletes. Thank you to our exceptional coaches and student-athletes for their hard work and dedication in representing Lake Braddock with pride. We are immensely grateful to our Athletic Boosters for their tireless efforts in supporting our athletic programs throughout the season. Congratulations to all our athletes on a season of success!

Go Bruins!

Lindsey Kearns

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Children's Holiday Concert and Open House

New Information and Important Reminders
International Show
Boundary Review Committee Meetings

High School Information
FASFA Form Available
HS Yearbook
AP Testing Information

Middle School Information
MS Yearbook

Class of 2025 News
Important Dates
Senior Photos

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News

Upcoming Events

December 10 (7:00 pm) - MS Band Concert
December 12 (7:00 pm) - HS Band Concert
December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (School Closed)

Spring 2025 Testing Schedule

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

International Show

Save the date for the International Show on February 25, 2025! We will host two shows that evening in the Little Theater. Keep an eye out for updates for ticket sales following winter break. Any student wishing to participate should contact Mr. Britton or Mrs. Markey if they missed the interest meeting this week. 

PTSA Mulch Sale

Order now to support the Seniors All Night Grad Party (ANGP)! The PTSA is offering JK’s Double-Shredded Hardwood Mulch (Brown) in 3 cubic-foot bags at $5.50 per bag

Free Delivery for orders of 15 bags or more and live in LBSS zone. Delivery is Sat. or Sun. March 15-16, 2025

Orders less than 15 bags must be picked up at the LBSS Parking Lot on Saturday, March 15th, 2025

**Last day to order is March 1** is external)

The Lake Braddock Band Program invites you to a special Holiday Concert and Open House designed for children and young band students! Join the Bruin Symphonic Band as they play some festive holiday tunes, see the Marching Bruins Halftime Show, and listen to various small instrumental ensembles including the Lake Braddock Jazz Band. Children can explore the "Bandieland" trail through the Music Department wing, collect treats and stickers at the various stops, and learn more about instrumental music program along the way. Treats will end your tour!

New Information and Important Reminders

Community Meetings on the Comprehensive Boundary Review

If you did not get a chance to attend one of the recent community meetings on the Comprehensive Boundary Review, please consider attending the final meeting in this first phase of the boundary review process. The Region 1(link is external) meeting will take place Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m.,in the Madison High School(link is external) cafeteria. Register today(link is external). If you are unable to participate, stay tuned for details about virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings coming early next year.

View FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage(link is external) for more information. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter(link is external) as well.

High School Information

2025-26 FAFSA Form Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account(link is external), if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA(link is external).

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website(link is external).

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website(link is external).

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email sends email).

High School Yearbooks

Order your 2025 HS Yearbook now. Prices increase in January.

Go to and use code 5061.

AP Testing Information

If your high school student is taking at least one AP course this school year, please make sure you are checking for important AP information found in two places:

  • On the LB website:
  • In Schoology: Make sure your student joins the LBSS AP Student 2024-2025 Group in Schoology by using this Access Code: FK4N-R32H-5ZBTZ Parents/guardians can join the group, too!

Please contact the AP Testing Team below with questions and /or concerns: 

Lynn Carrera:
Deb Brown:
Gary Ranallo:
Maggie Spingler:

Middle School Information

TIS THE SEASON…To Order Your Middle School Yearbook!!

…before the price goes up. From now until 12/31, you will pay only $36 for The Ursa middle school yearbook. Order today and capture all the memories of  your middle school student’s 2024-25 school year.

Just scan the QR code or type the URL into your browser: is external)  Use the Middle School code 13596.

If you have any questions, please send an email to sends email)

Class of 2025 News

Important Dates

All sessions for senior photos at LBSS have been filled. If your senior still needs to have a yearbook photo taken, they should check in with Ms. Poquis in L202.

Other Dates
March 15-16 - PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
May 9 - Prom

Graduation:  June 4, 2025 -- 9:30 am

Senior Ads

The yearbook is a memory book for students, and you can make your senior's yearbook a treasure by including a personalized ad. Through, you will upload high resolution images, place the images in an ad template, and write your own message to your senior(s). 

If the content of the photos is inappropriate for a school setting, you will be asked to change your ad. Please be mindful of this with baby photos.

Original artwork and poetry may be submitted. Lyrics, poems, quotes and Biblical references are limited to four lines and must include attribution. We cannot violate copyright law.

The Yearbook Order Center accepts credit cards, echecks and PayPal payments.

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


Student and Family Resources

Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage(link is external) for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue! 

FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities(link is external) to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures. 

Winter Special Education and 504 Newsletter

The latest issue of the FCPS Special Education and 504 Newsletter(link is external) is available online. Topics in this issue include:

  • Community Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities
  • Save the Date: 2025 Family Summit
  • SEL Screener Results
  • New Accessibility Resources
  • Adapted Physical Education and Recreation Program
  • Why Some Students with Disabilities Stay in FCPS Until Age 22
  • VR Programs Supports Out-of-State Post Secondary Schools
  • Executive Functioning Webinars
  • Early Literacy Resources
  • ESY and Assessment Webinar
  • COVID-19 Compensatory Education: FCPS Service Delivery Options

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No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Course Selection for Middle and High School Students
  • Join Our Teacher Team!
  • Comprehensive Boundary Review Updates

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

LBSS Weekly News - December 6, 2024(link is external)

GovDelivery3 months 1 week ago

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Principal's Message

Football Fever is in the halls this week, as Bruins Football play in the state semifinals tomorrow at 2:00 pm at Madison HS. I am grateful for the support of our players, parents, pep band, cheerleaders, and all who come out in the cold weather to support the team. 

If you missed our Orchestra performances this past week, the students were fabulous! I look forward to our band concerts this coming week on Tuesday and Thursday, and we hope to see you at future events. 

Go Bruins!

Lindsey Kearns

In this Issue

What's Happening at Bruin Nation
Children's Holiday Concert and Open House

New Information and Important Reminders
Spring Testing Schedule
Boundary Review Committee Meetings

High School Information
FASFA Form Available
HS Yearbook
AP Testing Information

Middle School Information
Candid Photos
MS Yearbook

Class of 2025 News
Important Dates
Senior Photos

Family Liaison News

Athletics and Activities News

Upcoming Events

December 8 - Bodhi Day
December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (School Closed)

What's Happening at Bruin Nation

The Lake Braddock Band Program invites you to a special Holiday Concert and Open House designed for children and young band students! Join the Bruin Symphonic Band as they play some festive holiday tunes, see the Marching Bruins Halftime Show, and listen to various small instrumental ensembles including the Lake Braddock Jazz Band. Children can explore the "Bandieland" trail through the Music Department wing, collect treats and stickers at the various stops, and learn more about instrumental music program along the way. Treats will end your tour!

New Information and Important Reminders

Spring 2025 Testing Schedule

We are happy to announce that our Spring 2025 Testing Schedule has been released. You can find the calendar with a bell schedule for major testing days on our testing website under “Spring SOL Testing”.  Please remember that participation in testing is extremely important. Please make every effort to avoid appointments on the scheduled testing days. If this is unavoidable, it is imperative you reach out to your student’s counselor to notify us that your student will be assessing on the makeup day. In addition, please impress the importance of being on time to school on testing days.

Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on [your region’s date and location (see above)]. If you are unable to attend on this date, yoview the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage(link is external).

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

High School Information

2025-26 FAFSA Form Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account(link is external), if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA(link is external).

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website(link is external).

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website(link is external).

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email sends email).

High School Yearbooks

Order your 2025 HS Yearbook now. Prices increase in January.

Go to and use code 5061.

AP Testing Information

If your high school student is taking at least one AP course this school year, please make sure you are checking for important AP information found in two places:

  • On the LB website:
  • In Schoology: Make sure your student joins the LBSS AP Student 2024-2025 Group in Schoology by using this Access Code: FK4N-R32H-5ZBTZ Parents/guardians can join the group, too!

Please contact the AP Testing Team below with questions and /or concerns: 

Lynn Carrera:
Deb Brown:
Gary Ranallo:
Maggie Spingler:

Middle School Information

Candid Photos

Do you have pictures of your child in 7th or 8th grade on your phone? Pictures from summer vacations, summer birthdays or sports events? And what about your pets?

Well The middle school yearbook is looking to put those pictures in the 2025 yearbook. Just scan the QR code or type the url into your browser: is external).

Upload your candid photos of all those good times. We look forward to seeing them.

If you have any questions, please send an email to sends email).

Middle School Yearbook


Now is the time to order your Middle School yearbook. You can buy it for $36 from now until 12/31.Beginning in 2025 prices will increase! If you order now, you can also get a special name plate to add to your cover. The yearbook will not be available until next May. So, put your order in now before they sell out! Here is a link: is external). Be sure to use the code 13596 to place your order for the Middle School yearbook.

Class of 2025 News

Important Dates

Senior Photo Sessions:
December 12 - 7:30 am - 9:30 am -- sign-up information emailed on October 24

Other Dates
March 15-16 - PTSA Sponsored Mulch Sale
May 9 - Prom

Graduation:  June 4, 2025 -- 9:30 am

Senior Ads

The yearbook is a memory book for students, and you can make your senior's yearbook a treasure by including a personalized ad. Through, you will upload high resolution images, place the images in an ad template, and write your own message to your senior(s). 

If the content of the photos is inappropriate for a school setting, you will be asked to change your ad. Please be mindful of this with baby photos.

Original artwork and poetry may be submitted. Lyrics, poems, quotes and Biblical references are limited to four lines and must include attribution. We cannot violate copyright law.

The Yearbook Order Center accepts credit cards, echecks and PayPal payments.

Family Liaison News

Please stay up-to-date with our Family Liaisons on our web site. There you will find our weekly newsletters.

Athletics and Activities News

High School Fall Sports Awards Ceremony - December 11, 7 PM, Little Theatre

Learn more about our Student Activities Program! is external)

LBSS News You Choose(link is external) (Sign up and select Athletics & Activities)


Update on Potential Changes to Middle School Start Times

At Tuesday’s School Board work session, staff from Prismatic Services, Inc., presented options for adjusting start times at FCPS middle schools. As a reminder, Prismatic is charged with developing an action plan to help the School Board reach its goal of starting middle school at or after 8 a.m.

The presentation includes five options for adjusting middle school start times(link is external) based on the consultant’s analysis from community forums, surveys, and interviews with staff, parents, associations, and other groups. The School Board will provide next steps to the superintendent.

Watch a video(link is external) of the work session. Visit the Middle School Start Times webpage(link is external) for more information on the project.

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage(link is external) for information on this service. 

Tutoring Resources for Families

Is your family looking for resources to help support your child’s academic success? FCPS’ Family Resource Center (FRC) maintains a list of district employees who hold a valid Virginia teaching credential and who are available to be hired as a tutor by parents(link is external). FRC maintains this list, but families are responsible for contacting and working directly with tutors. This list is not “approved” by FCPS and is only meant as a resource.

FCPS also partners with Varsity Tutors(link is external) to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan(link is external) Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence, reminds us of our commitment to supporting each and every student and helping them meet or exceed high academic standards.

FCPS This Week

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week(link is external), the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Family Academy Orientation
  • Literacy Resources
  • Winter Programs and Activities

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today(link is external)

Quick Links

9200  Burke Lake Rd.Burke, VA 22015(link is external) | Main Office: 703-426-1000
Attendance | Web | Instagram(link is external) | Facebook(link is external)

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