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Ohio Attorney General’s FY25 Program Based School Safety Grant


Opportunity Number AGO Program-Based SSTG 25
Funding Organization State Opportunity
Ohio Funding Opportunity Categories Education
Application Start Date February 3, 2025
Application End Date May 30, 2025
Project Start Date July 1, 2024
Project End Date June 30, 2026
Assistance Listing Number / CFDA # -na-
Eligible Applicants Chartered Non-Public Schools,
Community School,
County Board of Developmental Disabilities,
STEM School,
Traditional Public School
Opportunity Details To avoid multiple payments to a single organization, this opportunity is intended to be requested at, and awarded to, eligible school entities at the district, board, or organizational level. Please submit requests using the district Information retrieval Number (IRN), not a building IRN. However, programming or other eligible uses of the funds under the organizational request are allowed to be directed to an individual building. If you do not know your IRN you may use the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's, OEDS (Ohio Educational Directory System) to search for the information Exhibit A: Pursuant to Sub. H.B. 33 School Safety Training Grants SCHOOL SAFETY TRAINING GRANTS (A) The foregoing appropriation item 055502, School Safety Training Grants, shall be used by the Attorney General, in consultation with the Director of Education and Workforce and the Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services, solely to make grants to public and chartered nonpublic schools, educational service centers, local law enforcement agencies, and schools operated by county boards of developmental disabilities administering special education services programs pursuant to section 5126.05 of the Revised Code for school safety and school climate programs and training. (B) The use of the grants includes, but is not limited to, all of the following: (1) The support of school resource officer certification training; (2) Any type of active shooter and school safety training or equipment; (3) All grade level type educational resources; (4) Training to identify and assist students with mental health issues; (5) School supplies or equipment related to school safety or for implementing the school's safety plan; (6) Any other training related to school safety. (C) The schools, educational service centers, and county boards shall work or contract with the county sheriff's office or a local police department in whose jurisdiction they are located to develop the programs and training described in divisions (B)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) of this section. Any grant awarded directly to a local law enforcement agency shall not be used to fund a similar request made by a school located within the jurisdiction of the local law enforcement agency. (D) As used in this section, "public school" means any school operated by a school district board of education, any community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, and any STEM school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code. Please direct all questions regarding school safety grants to


Award Floor$1.00
Award Ceiling$40,000.00
Matching Required?No
Financial DetailsEvery eligible school organization is eligible for a program-based grant of up to $40,000, until the funds are exhausted.


Ohio Agency Attorney General (AGO)
Division No Division (None)


    Documents to be Submitted with Application

    When applicable, instructions or templates will be provided in the Attachments section above. Only PDF, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Excel formats will be accepted.