Welcome to the world of turkey hunting! You are about to join the ranks of thousands of like-minded hunters - some of the best conservationists on earth. Each of them started right where you are today... as a beginner.
Biology, Basics, and History
Turkeys vary their feeding location based on time of year and availability of food. Adult birds that fed primarily on high fat content acorns in December to survive the winter months will turn to insects, seeds, newly sprouted plants and fresh greens during spring season. After turkey poults are hatched, they require insects, as much as 75% of the diet, for the first few weeks of their lives. In the fall, these young birds will become more focused on high fat foods.
While plant material is as much as 90% of the adult turkey’s diet, archery hunters may find them in the fall season eating grasshoppers in the early morning sun. When acorns are available, turkeys will feast on them for the majority of their diet during fall gun seasons. They may also eat berries, greens, and waste grain. When considering food sources as part of the hunting plan, knowing those parts of your hunting area where a variety of food is available within a small area will improve your chances. You can also look for places the birds have been scratching in the leaves to locate feeding areas.
Turkeys require water on a daily basis. On wet spring days, this may be satisfied with standing water throughout the habitat. Between rains, seeps, springs, streams, ponds or any other water source within the turkey’s home range can be used. Hunters that have not visually located birds they intend to hunt might look for tracks at water sources, as the birds will not be far from water.
MeatEater: History of the American Wild Turkey
Conservation Field Notes with Steven Rinella
The home range of a wild turkey is less than 2000 acres, with toms typically having a smaller home range than hens (remember, she comes to him when he struts). Typically, a flock of birds will stay in a reasonably small area unless they are disturbed. Even when that flock leaves, if the habitat is good, more birds will move into the area, especially during the spring breeding season.