This Early Years Essential (EYE) newsletter brings together local and national updates to support settings in Milton Keynes.
We hope you continue to find the EYE useful. If you have any feedback – please let us know.

MK Virtual School Governing Board – seeking Early Years members
Milton Keynes City Council Virtual School are seeking an early years representative to join their Virtual School Governing Board.
Our governors come from a range of different backgrounds and are essential for the effectiveness and success of the Virtual School. Governors work voluntarily to oversee the strategic running of the Virtual School: working as part of a team, asking questions, and making connections between different types of information to act as a ‘critical friend’. Governing Board meeting are held termly (during the working day) in person at Civic Offices (3 meetings per year).
In your role within the early years remit, you will already have a wide range of skills and experiences as well as being committed to wanting the best possible outcomes for children who are looked after; if you feel you could bring these attributes to our team we would like to hear from you.
If you would like a further conversation to find our more information or to express an interest in becoming a Virtual School governor please don’t hesitate to get in contact with the Virtual School Head, Katy Enser –
Health and Wellbeing Awards
A message from Liz Wilson – Public Health
The Health and Wellbeing Awards are currently on hold and are being reviewed.
We will no longer be taking in applications or reviewing 6 monthly monitoring at this time. We will be in touch with the outcome of this in due course.
 Ofsted Report Card consultation
This consultation seeks your views on Ofsted’s proposed reforms to inspecting early years.
The consultation closes at 11:59pm on 28 April 2025.